By dramaqueen - 14/04/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend why he dates me. He immediately responded, "Well, TV shows are boring and predictable, so you're a good source of fresh and interesting drama." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 036
You deserved it 31 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. He is obviously baiting you for asking a stupid question. It always annoys me when women ask this because all they are wanting is to be flattered and told how beautiful they are blah blah blah. If they wanted some flattery then they should just come out and ask for it. Not trying to thinly disguise it with this stupid question.

dz_zb 0

yes your boyfriend told you that you're fresh, interesting and dramatic **** your life how could your life possibly be any worse?


seriously? This is the worst FML ever, in fact it's not even an FML. I'm pretty sure he was kidding. But he does have one thing right- you are dramatic.

mandu122333 0

i like how your username is dramaqueen...maybe hes right

blue_cheezbox 0

he just made a point... you are so into drama you posted this on the web.. GET A LIFE, GUYS JOKE.

HAHAHAHA, that's actually so funny. He's right though.

I wish my answer to that question was as witty as his, each time my gf asked.. but then my gf never was a drama queen. She just fished for compliments a lot.

Taylor621 0

why were you asking your boyfriend why he dates you.....?

Apparently you are dramatic if you are posting this as an FML...

TheZephyrSon 3

Your name has it right. You're probably a drama queen. Really, YDI for asking a question like that. Trust me, guys don't like answering questions like that. He did good to come up with a witty response.