By Anonymous - 22/12/2013 19:10 - Israel

Today, I asked my lazy daughter to go make her bed. She responded by lighting our garbage bin on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 584
You deserved it 10 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoeGrant 12

Your request got her fired up, it seems.


I think she is trying to display dominance over you and your spouse, if she is over 18 kick her out of the house, if she is not have her do a lot of community service

"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." .... or will burn your garbage bin. Time to call Bill Gates and tell him he got it wrong.

moshpit11 8

That's when you bust their ass

Ask her to set the trash on fire and I bet she makes the bed.

You might want to get her some help.

You deserved it. Making your bed is the most pointless task ever, unless your bed happens to double as a couch or something when you have company over. My take on it is: the only people who will use and see my bed besides me aren't going to care, and I don't need it to be nice and neat in order to fall asleep, so making it every morning is a waste of time. Ask her to do something useful, like vacuuming the living room. Then you can have my sympathy if she lights the garbage bin on fire.

Pyro_Wolf 17

The room looks nicer if the bed is made. Plus it only takes about 5 minutes, if that, to do. Her mom asked her to do a simple task and she should have done it instead of setting the garbage on fire.

"Instructions not clear; set bin on fire."