By AlmightyVoice - 07/08/2016 11:38 - United States - Rochester

Today, I attempted to bleach the little hairs above my lip. I had it on for about 15 seconds. Turns out that the horrible stinging that I had felt meant that it was not just working, but also eating through my skin at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 511
You deserved it 3 825

AlmightyVoice tells us more.

Hi OP here! No this was not my first experience with bleaching my upper lip. I have done it many times before but with a different product. I had my friend do it also with me and hers did not end up like mine. Every time I had done it before it had stung so I figured that it was just doing its job but I guess my skin was just very sensitive to the brand I had. Good news is that everything is good now and I will just go back to using the kind I had before. Also the only reason I decided on not shaving or anything else was because I do not want the hair growing in darker or thicker:)

Top comments

When in doubt, yank it out. At least when it comes to body and facial hair.

TheNoNameGuy 20

well now you have a skinstache. enjoy it while it lasts OP


Hi OP here! No this was not my first experience with bleaching my upper lip. I have done it many times before but with a different product. I had my friend do it also with me and hers did not end up like mine. Every time I had done it before it had stung so I figured that it was just doing its job but I guess my skin was just very sensitive to the brand I had. Good news is that everything is good now and I will just go back to using the kind I had before. Also the only reason I decided on not shaving or anything else was because I do not want the hair growing in darker or thicker:)

You might be allergic to something in the new product you were using. The hair doesn't actually grow back darker and thicker after shaving but just looks darker and thicker because it hasn't been exposed to the sun yet and grown to a tip yet. At least that's what I've learned from the comments here on FML.

drayloon 50

It looks thicker cuz hair normally has tapered ends, but when its cut, the ends are squared off. Waxing doesn't have this caveat since it rips the hairs out.

In case you did not know, shaving does not cause hair to grow in darker or thicker. At least you have a product that you know works though.

Hey- cosmetologist here. Just want to let you know that the thing about your hair coming in darker and thicker is a myth. That is all.

The darker and thicker thing is a myth. It only looks darker and thicker because instead of ending in a thin tip, it ends with a flat top from cutting it.

Sorry OP but YDI. Always always ALWAYS do a test patch with new products.

Hair that regrows after shaving also appears thicker because you're putting them all on the same growth cycle.

You should just get laser treatment, if you can afford it. That's what I do and I think it works pretty well.

Know how you feel. I didn't do so hot the first time I bleached the misses asshole.

I'm always hesitant at trying different products Next time trying something new, my advice to you is trying to test a small amount on your arm or something to assure your skin won't have a negative reaction