By AlmightyVoice - 07/08/2016 11:38 - United States - Rochester
AlmightyVoice tells us more.
Hi OP here! No this was not my first experience with bleaching my upper lip. I have done it many times before but with a different product. I had my friend do it also with me and hers did not end up like mine. Every time I had done it before it had stung so I figured that it was just doing its job but I guess my skin was just very sensitive to the brand I had. Good news is that everything is good now and I will just go back to using the kind I had before. Also the only reason I decided on not shaving or anything else was because I do not want the hair growing in darker or thicker:)
Top comments
#6 I assume OP is a lady if she is bothered by upper lip hair, therefore shaving is the worse advice you can give her. The hair will only grow back thicker and coarser.
Hey, check it out, a Reply button.
you do realize that's an urban myth, right?
Use wax OP. If your skin is sensitive to waxing like mine is, there is the lycon wax that should avoid any break out. Bleaching usually just give poor results and makes it looks like you have a blond mustache.
thought youd learn from last week that bleaching your lip hair isnt a great idea
smartass, I did use the reply button but it didn't work for some reason... Edit, well there again, didn't work...
That sucks, OP. I'm sorry that happened! Bleaching can really irritate/damage your skin and could even turn the hair a weird orange color, so I'd go with waxing next time :) That's what I do!
I read this will de-mustachioing myself with hair removal cream. I had a split second of panic and images from House of Wax dancing through my brain.
Sally Hanson wax strips.
Did you use an actual lip bleach? I know it sounds obvious, but I have tried to be ~economical~ and just use the same bleach kit for my head hair and my eyebrows. Turns out that's a terrible idea! Learn from my dumbass mistakes, folks.
Isn't it recommended that you never bleach/dye your eyebrows due to the proximity to your eye? Thus, it's dangerous. Or am I wrong here? My bleach kit from when I decided to go all Cruella Deville awiles back said do NOT use on eyebrows.. Tbh I don't think it would be worth the risk anyways... I've pretty/much only seen bleached/dyed eyebrows in film or on TV.. and like a bazillion of people worldwide bleach their hair so the darker eyebrows wouldn't be weird per se.. but that is just my 2 cents. albeit I'm a bit of a nervous Nelly so I'd be super worried about making my eyesight any worse than it already is lol
y are stupid people like u alive

When in doubt, yank it out. At least when it comes to body and facial hair.
well now you have a skinstache. enjoy it while it lasts OP