By Betrayed - 27/08/2012 06:11 - United States

Today, I attended my college roommate's wedding. We were best friends for 4 years, but have only talked occasionally since graduation. I was looking forward to meeting her new husband, having heard so much about him during our conversations. Turns out she forgot to mention he's my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 167
You deserved it 2 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

osf777 2

Is anyone else wondering why she didn't receive a wedding invitation, that clearly would have both parties names listed? I guess she probably received a casual invite? But I digress.

If she knew he's your ex (which was probably the case), she's really insensitive for not telling you.


If you and him are no longer dating you should not be upset that your friend married him. Especially if you two are rarely talking now.

MeeshaMeeshaPup 8

Thumb me down if I'm being insensitive, but i don't think OP should really be upset. It seems to me like the guy has moved on, so why shouldn't she?

It is weird to have your ex go down the line of your ex's friends and especially if it is your best friend. They should know better.

In this case, ydi for not reading the invite or announcement.

Wouldnt you reconginzethe name on the sve the date invite? Jw

carminecris89 13

That really sucks, especially if he's someone you really loved. I have no doubt that seeing it hurts, but she did not (as your username insinuates) betray you. I don't understand this lame girl code of "we dated so don't go near him". If she didn't date him when you did, then congratulate her on finding a wonderful man who makes her happy.