By Anonymous - 09/09/2010 07:48 - Australia

Today, I awkwardly had to comfort my 32 year old friend when he broke down crying in the middle of a crowded McDonald's. Apparently they no longer serve barbecue bacon cheeseburgers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 039
You deserved it 3 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Schizomaniac 24

I didn't know they ever served barbecue bacon cheeseburgers.


gabby1995pena 4
ssoccerchick97 16

Should have bought him a pack of the BBQ sauce for McNuggets and made his day, assuming he had bought a regular bacon cheeseburger.

Well he's not going to get a girlfriend with that attitude.

OReAh hahaha!!! Nice one... Wait they seriously don't sell them anymore?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *crys hysterically*