By Anonymous - 09/09/2010 07:48 - Australia

Today, I awkwardly had to comfort my 32 year old friend when he broke down crying in the middle of a crowded McDonald's. Apparently they no longer serve barbecue bacon cheeseburgers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 039
You deserved it 3 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Schizomaniac 24

I didn't know they ever served barbecue bacon cheeseburgers.


I work at maccas and I have a shift tomorrow.. I hope that doesn't happen. there's new burgers though, I think a double big mac and a double cheesebuger ($1.95) so if they're upset about no bacon BBQ cheeseburgers that should cheer them up :) and for anyone who's thinking 'haha you work at maccas', I'm 16. So I'm not a complete loser :)

katelynjoy 0

I agree! it was horror! now they have some crappy "double Mac" it's shite!

its obvious that the guy had loved it THAT MUCH since he was young so he has EVERY REASON to cry like that