By Tara - 31/10/2008 07:06 - Sweden

Today, I babysat a four year-old kid, so his parents could go out to party. Once in bed, he yelled, "I want to go party!" After three or four times, I told him to go to sleep. Two hours later, he'd wet the bed, saying, "I told you I want to go potty!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 993
You deserved it 52 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Emily84 0

It's stories like that that make me really glad that when I was a kid, my parents taught me to say "bathroom" instead of "potty."

#3 is dead on... did you REALLY think a 4 year old was telling you he wanted to go party?


Godchildren aren't always blood related, they are usually a close family friends' child.

aleexandriax0 0

Wow poor kid. That shows how much attention you were showing him.

mariacru1 0

This made me laugh. I added it to my favorites.

4 year old kids are able to "go to potty" by themselves actually... But maybe that's just me

1dvs_bstd 41

Well, he did give you a fair warning despite the misunderstanding.

Glitterbaby2613 20

hope u told his parents what happened, not blamed him