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By Anonymous - 10/08/2014 18:12 - United Kingdom - Ilminster

Today, I babysat a 6-year-old boy for the first time. When I said it was his bedtime, he just screamed "Eat a dick!" at me. I was so shocked, all I could do was leave him be. When his parents returned, I had to make up an excuse for why he was still awake and watching TV, to save my pride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 314
You deserved it 10 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've just told them, the kid deserves to be disciplined anyway

I hope your excuse was that you didn't put him in bed because you were too busy eating dick, because that kid just made you his bitch. Nice job babysitting, OP.


More like a loud brat. But he must've heard someone else said it enough times to go around repeating it. I wouldn't blame him at all, but mom and dad certainly should hear about his little catch phrase.

Sassy is putting it mildly! Next time (if there is one), don't let him think it's okay to talk to you like that. It's totally understandable that you were shocked, but if it happens again and he isn't spoken to, you're inadvertently reinforcing that kind of behavior. He needs to know it's unacceptable to speak to an adult so disrespectfully. You're in charge! Make sure they know it. When in doubt, tell them Santa's watching. Shuts kids up like no other.

#45 instead of santa, tell him the monster in the basement likes to eat little kids that swear and stay up late.

You should've just told them, the kid deserves to be disciplined anyway

Yeah well, how'd that go? "Hey, your kid told me to eat a dick and I let him stay up because I couldn't put up with a six-year old. But I expect you to do sth about it now that it is way to late and the kid already felt like he could do to me whatever he wants. So... when should I come by next time?"

This is a major YDI to me. OP should've told him it was rude to speak like that and that his parents would be hearing about it. Then OP should've put the kid to bed and mentioned it to the parents later. If he absolutely refused to go to bed and continued to get out of bed and yell crude things at you, then you call the parents and have them speak with him or threaten to come home and discipline him. If you let a 6 yr old walk all over you than maybe you shouldn't be babysitting. Hope you feel more confident next time OP. You're the one in control. :)

I agree. Why should the kid get away with that behavior. I would rather know, as a parent, than not and find out my kid is behaving this way.

I hope your excuse was that you didn't put him in bed because you were too busy eating dick, because that kid just made you his bitch. Nice job babysitting, OP.

You've never babysat before, have you?

it doesnt matter what the kid says. no kid is going to willingly go to bed. the kid should have been sent to bed no matter what he says. OP was wrong to allow the kid to stay up and wrong again to not tell the parents what was said.

purpleamber1 11

lol!!! that should totally not be funny but it totally was i cant stop laughing!! :D

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While he does deserve a spanking, it's not generally advisable to give other people's children a beating.

I wouldn't do that either, he's not your kid, do not use physical punishment, regardless of the reason. Call the kid's parents, or threaten to call the kid's parents, tell him that that kind of language isn't nice, never lay your hands on someone else's child

Spanking another person's kid is unacceptable. Anything beyond spanking is most likely illegal.

RedPillSucks 31

You don't discipline other peoples kids unless they give you explicate permission.

ironik69 31

5 said BEST, not beat. For those that don't understand the term... It means to defeat or outwit. It was being used as a verb.

kingdomgirl94 29

Stop trying to be smart, its not working. He totally meant to say beat his ass, not best his ass. besting someone is an expression, besting their ass is not.

ironik69 31

Because you "like totally know" what the commenter was meaning. I don't have to try to be smart dear, try checking a dictionary before you check me.

BubbleGrunge 18

That's why he does the things he does OP; because no one handles his little ass. You should have put him to bed and told his parents about his nasty little mouth.

I agree the only reason he acts like that is because he knows he can get away with she just needed to put him in his place I'm sure the parents would understand

You shouldn't be taking care of kids if you don't know how to gain their respect and get the job done.

#9 You must have no idea. The only thing a kid respects are lollipops and TV time.

Oh hun. Kids don't even respect their parents (since the parents give them whatever they want to shut them up) so why would they respect a stranger ordering them around?

kingdomgirl94 29

Because babysitting is not ordering a kid around, its being a second parent. You don't stand there and bark orders at them, you play and spend time with them, and get them to do what needs to be done. If you just sit there and tell kids what to do and expect them to listen, well you're not a very good baby sitter.

amayasoma 19

You guys must be terrible at baby sitting. If you know how to manipulate kids, you can easily earn their respect. Kids like to challenge others because they believe they can get away with it. Out wit a kid and show them they can't and they'll respect you. My mom deals with troubled kids all the time. They respect her more than their own parents and she's never laid a hand on them.

Should have opened a can of whoop ass on him.

"Opening a can of whoop ass" on someone else's kid is usually frowned upon even if he deserved it.

joemud 13

Like masturbating on an airplane, thanks Osama.

Looks like you couldn't "swallow" your pride!

wow man that is bad just explain to his parents and let them discepline him

If you can't stand up to a six-year-old boy, you are not ready to be completely responsible for a child while their parents are away. Might I suggest a paper route?

When a six-year old boy tells you to eat a dick, lets see how you react.

you react by telling them its rude to talk like that and then send the kid to bed. you tell the kids parents when they get home.

amayasoma 19

And of the kid continues to be disrespectful as a last resort you can call the parents.