By Tara - 31/10/2008 07:06 - Sweden

Today, I babysat a four year-old kid, so his parents could go out to party. Once in bed, he yelled, "I want to go party!" After three or four times, I told him to go to sleep. Two hours later, he'd wet the bed, saying, "I told you I want to go potty!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 993
You deserved it 52 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Emily84 0

It's stories like that that make me really glad that when I was a kid, my parents taught me to say "bathroom" instead of "potty."

#3 is dead on... did you REALLY think a 4 year old was telling you he wanted to go party?


this is fake because you are in Blekinge , Sweden and there is no word in swedish for "party" that sounds like any word for "potty". most likely he said one of these words: party: fest, kalas, party potty: (gå på) toa/toaletten, kissa good try though.

still, potta and party aint nothing alike. maybe in blekingska. isnt that like skånska but with a different name?

miko84 0

The word "parta" can sound like "potta" if you say it without "r" like a kid(Or ppl from Blekinge! =D ).

i was also really confused that a 4-year old from sweden could speak english.. its a funny story, but not if it's just made up.

you lyin the hell would a swedish four year old kid speak english?

BamaNate8807 0

Maybe it was translated into English, for this website?

that boy likes to "party all the time". (party all the time song from the 80s sounds like "potty all the time").

The sad part is, potty and party is almost impossible to confuse in swedish. Assuming the 4 year-old doesn't know how to speak english, I would say this FML is fake.

Thats why kids should be taught to say pee not potty.

I call bs nattybo. I dnt think so ayye