By bestiality? do I look like a pig? - 26/05/2013 20:50 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I borrowed my boyfriend's laptop. Out of curiosity, I clicked through the bookmarks in his web browser. One of them took me to a site dedicated to sex stories featuring characters from My Little Pony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 235
You deserved it 18 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sure....out of curiosity. Not trying to invade his privacy or anything. However, the my little pony **** is a little disturbing.


MichaelT17 9

You shouldn't be looking through his browser in the first place........ Now you'll learn . But on a higher note that's still weird

perdix 29

You're going to need to up your game to keep him. Guys want girlfriends who are master chefs in the kitchen and whorse in the bedroom!

don't be worried. bronies are normal nowadays. being a furry myself I understand where they come from. we all come from different backgrounds with different views, a sub culture to "normal" people if you will. we are all average people. but also have a small preference to anthropomorphic characters. some are extravagant and go all out with suits and role play, others are like myself, quiet unsuspecting and under the radar but still here. embrace the fur.

AshleyKaye 6

All I have to say is LOL.

perdix 29

A real man doesn't bookmark a link to My Little Pony fantasy **** . . . He types in the whole URL every time!

thepieguyisi 4
honestyslife 9