By thoughtitwasspecial - 18/05/2011 05:15 - United States

By thoughtitwasspecial - 18/05/2011 05:15 - United States
By single once again - 07/10/2015 07:41 - Cyprus - Nicosia
By TheOtherWoman - 18/01/2013 17:21 - United Kingdom - Weston-super-mare
By Anonymous - 22/05/2012 20:49 - Canada - Edmonton
By anon - 25/10/2010 05:42 - United States
By MyHeadHurts - 20/01/2012 10:42 - Ireland
By Anonymous - 31/07/2009 00:31 - United States
By Jena - 05/08/2022 01:00 - United States - Portland
By giantcuntflaps - 13/12/2014 16:03 - Australia
By IzzMeister - 15/12/2019 20:00 - United States
By Hollerz90 - 02/04/2020 23:00
that's what he likes you to think anyway...
OP all you have to do is hop on his di** and make it real.
OP all you have to do is hop on his d*** and make it real.
I have a conspiracy theory; maybe he wanted to learn some moves to impress OP.
that's a very likely theory!
I personally don't agree with looking at ****.. but I don't judge other people for doing it...
every guy watches ****
*correction every guy who fails to have sex on a regular basis whether he is in a relationship or not watches **** example: you
i meant in general, before or after relationships.
not every guy watches ****. my boyfriend doesn't, he says because with me, he doesn't need to. granted, his **** collection is horrible (nothing compared to mine!) but he and I have started watching a few together.. key word, started. but it's not an abomination if he does. im sure op has a celeb crush, is he offended by that? pardon my rambling, it's late... but really op, quit trippin, it's not a big deal.
why would you watch other people having sex? it's weird what people do in their spare time :/ I prefer 3d origami
Thank you, 51.
**** is educational and should be watched by both men and women
lmfao well your bf is a liar liar pants on fire
why get jealous of ****? He can't feel her. he has no emotional connection to her. he just wants a easy way to get turned on. not that he isn't turned on by you. I don't consider it cheating.
Duuh, it's not cheating, but if you are a sensitive, very insecure person with a low self-esteem, it can be harsh to discover your boyfriend likes thin women with big fake boobs. That being said, watching **** is completely normal for both men and women, single or in a relationship. So OP, try to deal with it like a good partner would do: join him while watching ****. Or just accept it.
very good point I guess I never thought about it that way. if my boyfriend was watching big boobs, big butt or even foot fetish I would be a little weirded out and also a little confused. but I don't ask if he does watch. I trust him to not cheat. I could care less if he watched ****.
Hell, watch it together! That's what me and my hubby do! They do some interesting things in ****. It helps spice things up when you see something and think "Hmm....I wonder if that feels as good as it looks..." and then bang it out. :D
lol bang it out.
It's borderline cheating, especially if you're religious at all. I'm sorry but if you're uncomfortable with ****, you shouldn't be a submissive 1950s woman and be a "good partner" and watch it with him. If you don't like your man watching it, tell him straight up you aren't ok with it and if he loves you he'll stop. **** is just mindless ******* and when you're in a relationship, sex is about love. It's sad that society has lost sight of that.
i fail to see how it's even remotely like cheating.
"sex is about love." Stopped right there. Unfortunately it was too late, though.
Wait, wait - Society has lost sight of the fact that sex is about love? When have women been more obsessed with romance and making love than these days? Sex has only ever been about love in the movies, and never more so than now. Also - If you're religious (most religions anyway) sex is about procreation. If you're not religious, sex is about getting your rocks off. I fail to see your point.
Let's not bring pseudo-science into this, the Bible is not a good source for any of this.
just make him some of yourself
that would defeat the purpose, considering he said it's for when he gets bored of the op... just saying... :)
No it wouldn't OP said it's when he is bored of THINKING her. He would be albe to see her not think of her...
it happens
3-no, not every guy watches ****, I can't believe our society is so perverse that most do though
thank you! somebody without their head up their ass. I'm a guy and I believe **** is wrong i'm not gonna preach but it is screwed up ESPECIALLY when you have a partner that means that he/she is failing to do some
Welcome to the internet.
I'd rather have my head up my ass then be an ignorant and judgmental tool. :D Just saying...
judgemental tool? look you REALLY wouldn't be the least bit offended by the fact that your partner has to get off by watching ****? that you don't satisfy them enough that you can't finish the job? that some random person can? mmm I don't think so and if so then I will just smfh
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywaythat's all i'm saying.....
Not every guy watches ****. My husband refuses to. He won't even step into a strip club. After we had our daughter, she views these girls as someone's child. I personally don't have a problem with **** watchers, as long as it doesn't effect your current relationship. I've seen **** destroy some.
29 - I've seen some pretty strange **** involving people sticking their head up someone elses ass..... not a pretty sight :/
29, even if you were in a relationship and getting daily hot sex from your supermodel girlfriend, if you found the time to rub one out, and lock me up if thats a crime, but would you then rather have **** or not. And if you even try saying you don't pet the one eyed snake then you may as well cut it off and give it to some else one who knows to care for it!!
29 You are the one with your head up your ass...Just because a guy watches **** does not mean that he isn't getting anything from a real-life relationship...Some guys/girls have sex drives that are just completely insatiable and some have sex drives that are almost inexistent. From a very candor point of view:, I can see why a girl wouldn't like a boyfriend who continually watches ****... if the boyfriend watches **** instead of sex, there is a problem, if he watches it when he can't have sex e.g. girlfriend working/sick/out of town what is the problem.
I'm sorry but I don't think a guy should watch **** in a relationship. My fiancé did for awhile and kept it from me, but said every time he did he felt ashamed so he stopped. I was furious at first when he told me, but his guilt was punishment enough. It's just sad that sex is just an object of pleasure in today's world instead of being about love like it's supposed to be.
Ahahahaha you thought his guilt was punishment enough!!! If that is the case then you are MILES from understanding a man's thinking process.
All of you nayspankers- or others who don't see the merits in ****, go watch Teeth. that movie was made for you by you.
Or it could be that I'm with a real man with morals and a conscience. I don't care if he masturbates thinking about me, but **** is a hell no. Trust me, you didn't see him when he fessed up. It wasn't pretty. He was distraught about it. Some men actually care about their women more than getting their rocks off.
I'd just like to clear some things up. First of all, to everyone making excuses or trying to guilt trip people about watching **** please stop. "Well my husband thinks differently", "that's someones daughter"(as every woman is and frankly I'd be more concerned if that was his mindset while watching ****), or it's degrading to women(I agree alittle bit here depending on what you are watching). The fact of the matter is men (or anyone who watches ****) do not view it to analyze it. When someone watches **** they have one thing on their mind, self-gratification, nothing more nothing less. Yes it'd be sweet if he was thinking of you instead, but what's the difference he's still masturbating. It is very difficult for the human mind to focus on a solitary thought (go ahead. and try to think about one thing for even five minutes, your mind will wander). Men do not have ********' that we can rub a buzzing toy against to get off. So please stop with the condescending BS comments regarding the subject matter in ****. Why do think the scripts suck because they know no one cares, as I've said before they came (pun intended) to watch **** for one reason only.
I'm sorry I thought you were talking about a man...not a fruit basket...does he drive a Prius too?
Or maybe you just have your man wound up so tight that he's deathly afraid of doing something perfectly normal for fear of losing his gf. Do you honestly expect him to never be attracted to anyone else ever again? You don't think he still sometimes inshore boning that girl with the tube top? Get over your own insecurities and stop living in a fantasy world filled with unicorns.
They're not condescending BS comments. There are a lot of people in the world who see sex as something more than just pleasure, and they don't agree with ****. I could say all the people on here supporting **** are making condescending BS comments because I see **** as disrespectful and degrading. Different view points kiddo. I'm just saying some men out there care more about their women than some **** in a video, and respect their women enough to not watch ****. Btw, he drives a submarine tank, and if him respecting me makes him a fruit basket in your eyes, I'd rather be with a fruit basket than a selfish disrespectful asshole.
Sex IS pleasure and more, and enough with the "it's disrespectful bullshit". Some people have their heads so far up their ass it's astounding. Also, enough with the ******* expectations you people keep putting on the couple involved, you talk about love then you turn around and say they aren't doing their "job". ******* hypocrites. It's often that I'll spank one out before my girlfriend and I hang out so I'm not thinking about sex most of the time, since I actually CARE about enjoying her company.
Exactly, you can last longer too once you've came once. Also ReynShine you've obviously drove a wedge between yourself and your man if he has to lie to you about watching moving pixels in the form of naked women a.k.a. ****.
I haven't driven a wedge between us. Far from it. I told him in the beginning of our relationship I wasn't comfortable with him watching ****, but he had watched it almost every day for 10 years so he couldn't just quit overnight. However, he was ashamed that he was watching it because it was disrespectful to me so he didn't say anything. The fact that he did come out and tell me speaks volumes about him. Maybe to most people sex is just about the pleasure, but not all and certainly not to us. The physical pleasure is secondary and not at all the reason we make love. It's not disrespectful bullshit. It IS disrespectful to some people.
It's not his fault you're not exciting enough to think about! They do say variety is the spice of life.
every guy watches ****
why get jealous of ****? He can't feel her. he has no emotional connection to her. he just wants a easy way to get turned on. not that he isn't turned on by you. I don't consider it cheating.