By Anonymous - 28/12/2018 02:00
Same thing different taste
Speed racer
By ZThirteen - 25/10/2009 10:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/08/2010 14:16 - United States
It wasn't me, officer
By wrongcar - 03/11/2009 18:00 - United States
By anoynomous - 02/02/2010 05:47 - France
By newdriver - 11/05/2009 00:55 - United States
By karmaaa - 16/10/2014 20:56 - United States - Huxley
By Wick - 26/05/2009 19:47 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/11/2015 20:13 - United States - Las Vegas
By randinosaur - 13/03/2011 12:48 - United States
By Joel - 28/10/2018 15:30
Top comments
The fact that you weren't able to figure out there was something amiss with the first one, and absolutely positive after the second shows negligence on your part. But seven??? I call bullshit.
7 speeding tickets? How many states did you drive through at “29 mph”?
Any cop giving tickets for going 6 over is a complete asshole
Tolerances for some fixed cameras (don't know about mobile cameras) in Victoria, Australia, are as low as 2km/hr (1.24 miles/hr). Which is pretty scummy given the following: Australian Design Rule 18 sets out the accuracy standards for vehicle speedos. Until July 2006 this rule specified an accuracy of +/- 10 percent of the vehicle’s true speed when the vehicle was travelling above 40km/h. That is, at a true vehicle speed of 100km/h the speedo could indicate between 90km/h and 110km/h. An odometer accuracy of +/- 4 percent was also a requirement. From July 1 2006 a new standard began its phase in and by 1 July 2007 all new vehicles had to comply. The new standard requires that: The speedo must not indicate a speed less than the vehicle’s true speed or a speed greater than the vehicle’s true speed by an amount more than 10 percent plus 4 km/h. Odometer accuracy is no longer defined. ---------- So Victoria is essentially enforcing the new design standards even on older car for which those standards did not apply when they were made. And it is for this scumbag reason that whenever I buy a new car I compare the speedo to both the speedo GPS apps on my phone read, and what my handheld GPS says. My current car reads 10% above the true speed (so if my speedo reads 110km/hr I am actually doing 100km/hr).
If you have transfer papers so they can see you just bought the car and the invoice from the mechanic who fixed it, they might let you off the tickets. Worth asking.
Get the car fixed. Plead guilty with explanation. Show papers. Usually gets you off. I’ve gotten out of a few that way.
So you’ve never heard of Waze app? Shows you your real speed (all speedometers lie) and the spots of speed cameras/police...
Waze is a GPS app, similar to Google maps (so it's on your dashboard before you're driving, or someone else is holding your phone) and it also tells you if you're going over the speed limit, if there are cameras/police/accident(s) reported in the area. Some other GPS systems also track the speed you're driving at, so it doesn't have to be on your phone.

Presumably the fact that every other car was going slower than you failed to register?
Get the car fixed. Plead guilty with explanation. Show papers. Usually gets you off. I’ve gotten out of a few that way.