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By sleepless - 20/06/2009 05:28 - United States

Today, my insomnia started back up again. It was too late to get something to help me sleep so I was lying there wondering what I should do. I decided to listen to some ambient music. It helped a lot, but when I was about to fall asleep my parents decided to start doing 'it'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 052
You deserved it 2 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I actually feel sorry for you, unlike the girl with insomnia who complained about the firetrucks. That really does suck. I've been there. Noise-cancelling headphones and white noise players can help. I would've taken something regardless though. Unless it's 5AM. To everyone who's going to say "Shame on you for thinking your parents don't have sex!" Or whatnot, how would you feel if you woke up in the middle of the night to your mom screaming? It's a little TMI.

ewww i heard my parents having sex too once.....its very unpleasant. especially having to face them afterwards :-/


sillypuppy 0

FYL indeed......that is gross. :(

lol im havin isomnia too luckily i have a single non out going parent

ewww i heard my parents having sex too once.....its very unpleasant. especially having to face them afterwards :-/

Natadance4eva 0

ikrrrrrr! I just pretend it never happened! but soo gross especially facing ur mom :-/

Well if parents didn't have sex all you children wouldn't exist

Although yeah it is a bit awkward to hear

Your parents are rude for being so loud, knowing that you're close enough to hear. Maybe invest in some good noise-cancelling headphones, or a noise-cancelling wave machine, until you move out?

thyaftermath 0

Nah, First off, parents need to know how to keep it down when they're having sex with their kids around the house. ITS LIKE, OKIE, UR not 18 ANYMORE MOM AND DAD, stop trying to fake loud orgasms to make each other feel secure about their sexual ability, And stop pretending to have the passion you had many years ago. Guess what ? not there. You know what these kinda parents deserve? just start playing some loud porno on your computers, crank it up all the way and see how they like it

heymanwasup 0

did this bring up some sort of bad childhood memory for you or something?

I actually feel sorry for you, unlike the girl with insomnia who complained about the firetrucks. That really does suck. I've been there. Noise-cancelling headphones and white noise players can help. I would've taken something regardless though. Unless it's 5AM. To everyone who's going to say "Shame on you for thinking your parents don't have sex!" Or whatnot, how would you feel if you woke up in the middle of the night to your mom screaming? It's a little TMI.

liveitupx 0

What makes you think that people are going to say that? Nobody has so far, and its definitely not what came to mind as I was reading it.

Are you new to FML? There will be someone who says this. Trust me. There almost always is.

GabriLee 0

No, this is no different from the firetruck FML. It has the same exact feelings. The noise that kept them up just as they were falling asleep is not important. For all you know, the fire station got a call that a person down the street was having sex and their adult braces got stuck together so they called 911 after too much to drink. The reason the OP was kept up is still POINTLESS. The firetruck or sex, still means no sleep for them that night, and when it's been many many nights, that is enough to bring you to tears.

But you see, it's a fire truck. If it was a real accident or not, it's still an emergency to someone. If the house across the street truly burned down or someone had a heart attack, the OP would've been seen as a selfish asshole. How would the OP from that FML know it was a false alarm anyway? I'm not saying YDI to them, it's just it's a little annoying when someone bitches about someone's misfortune. Insomnia sucks. I know this, I have it, but I know I have to get over myself at some point. Sex is not an emergency. I'm with #23 on the music thing.

GabriLee 0

Maybe this person is bitching about their parents' misfortune? Maybe their parents know that their child has insomnia and hasn't had sex for the whole amount of time that they've known about the sleeping problem? Maybe this is an emergency to them because their relationship is suffering? Maybe they heard the music and thought that there was finally no way that their child would hear them? The point is that the noise is not the freaking point of the FML. The point of the FML is that they couldn't sleep. If the FML was about the sex, it would have just said "I heard my parents having sex last night, FML." Listen, I'm not saying that sex is an emergency like a fire would have been, but the fact that you're saying the other girl is a selfish asshole and this person is completely justified in their whining is unwarranted and hypocritical.

hecuva 0

There's a lot of "maybe's" there.... MAYBE you shouldn't jump to conclusions while biting people's heads off for voicing their opinion's which are based on events that have happened on this site. Take a chill pill budz!

skullbashd 3

what's the point of an argument on the Internet

Thabb 0

You should have told them to quiet down and that you don't want any more siblings.

Wow you poor thing... that's enough to keep anyone awake for hours!

Omg, this happened to me once! I got pissed off so I banged on the wall and told them to quiet down, lol!

Cookiechick 0

hay this FML is on page 312 i jus saw dat haha

sillypuppy 0

Masturbation helps, dude! And I think in this particular case it is definitely gonna work--at least much more easily with free live **** next door. How creepy is that? :P

Actually it is a proven fact, it releases some sort of chemical that helps you sleep :) Well not the ************, just the actual ******, lol.

I was talking about getting off on your parents having sex.

Reminds me of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Only grosser.

Oh, I guess you think they should have just rubbed one out and let all those millions of potential lives die just so you could get your selfish nappy time. < / sarcasm >

Hahaha. I think you supply some of the best comments [ever] on this site.

Thanks! :) And you have excellent taste!