By dane - 29/06/2010 18:07 - United States

Today, I bought a used car from a friend of mine. After getting the car home and further inspecting it, I found one of my wife's earrings in the backseat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 575
You deserved it 42

Top comments

Don't jump to conclusions. There may be a perfectly innocent reason it was there. Maybe she loaned the earrings to a friend? Maybe a group of you were in the car and she rode in the backseat?


HazelBunny 0

could be that her ear got messed up when ur friend was givin her a ride home from work and she had to take them off and left them there cause her ear was screwed up......

Barrientos432 5

I'm guessing she rode more than just the backseat XD Awee..but in all seriousness. That sucks. FYL

The fact that your picture involves your face being that close to another mans balls raises a few questions in my mind...

G15 0

Well, I'd confront her about it... There's always the chance the friend was giving her a ride, and there's always a chance that it's as bad as you think. Of course I gotta wonder why people have to make senseless/rude comments. Like uh, #2...

ask her where her earings are and see what her excuse is. if she doesn't mention ur friend then u have some worrying to do

ask her about the earrings you gave her if she's not wearing it lately. do an entrapment. lol

someone's got a dirty little secret.... :b

ArtIsResistance7 1

You must be Scotty... ...and Scotty doesn't know. Cheap, yes..11001101011210

G15 0

Nice one 49. But, was the vehicle a van? Cause if it was, check the van on sundays.