By Anonymous - 29/06/2010 18:53 - United States
Top comments
wow bro ur moms a bitch
take her next paycheck op
Thats very ****** up. Poor dog.
wat ?
21, If the dog was sick, the OP would have mentioned it.
She probably has to go without FiOs because she had to pay for something her car's tires could have done. FHL.
YDI. what did the dog ever do to you? huh???
sucubusprime, you're a bitch, I'd run over you
nothing a .308 can't fix right? doesn't cost a $100 who am I kidding, of coarse I wouldn't shoot my family dog. euthanasia was the best option OP.
If the roles were reversed, they'd do the same to us... it must've been humping everything in sight. I want my mom to do the girl dog version of this (spayed?) to our dog cause that ho bleeds & shit... & she's lesbian, not that there's anything wrong w/ that, but our other female dog gets girl raped by her & she goes around humping other female dogs. I'd be proud if I could get some cute puppies out of it but that ain't gonna happen.
ok I'm sure the dog was sick... seriously people you really think her mom said "hey, a hundred bucks and I don't know how to spend it... come here Sparky it's time to die now!"
if you call now, ill give u fresh order of dog
Learn to read #34. The mom killed the dog without asking the OP.
The dog was probably sick.. Otherwise she would have given it to a shelter for free. OP is an asshat.
thats mean, if the dog wasnt sick ):
that sucks, maybe it was sick or something. but YDI for sending her the money. oh and #155, ur hot ;)
she could have sold it, wouldve at least gotten money for it.. wat the ****
#89 if you were referring to me, thanks =D if you were referring to #1, nvm this comment, however, you do have a real pretty pic yourself!
#156, just wondering whether the man that touched your guitar happens to be black?? or if that has nothing to do with the situation lol.
wow very good
1-ops a girl
#175 yea i guess that could be true :)
whoa sad
That sucks major ass ^^^ Bluntness wins
101, stop be a **** muncher and read that he corrected himself
51, LOL
sound decision, economically, anyway. don't let emotion cloud your judgement. at least she didn't do it using a millstone, a tennis ball, and a lake...
as horrible as this sounds, it would have actually saved money. eg. not having to buy dog food, pay vet fees if it was actually sick etc.
maybe she meant put the dog down in that case is was write be more open minded
Agh sorry man.. That's harsh.
Better the dog than me.
If the dog had a serious illness doesnt seem wrong, unless she did it just to get rid of an expense
yeah I agree
@ SOMAgirl, in some states its illegal to leave an animal at a shelter (aka dumping) and you can be fined or jailed.
It wouldn't be an FML if the dog was sick.
Um... He sent her the 100 bucks to take care of herself.. not the dog, y'know? Maybe if the dog was sick then that would be okay.
You TOTALLY deserved it...
how did the OP deserve it?
Why? I can't think of a reason why op deserves this.
I'm stupid and can't read sarcasm too.
I doubt that was sarcasm but ok.
They see me trollin... They hatin... Patrolling and trying to catch me writin dirty...
Never give money to relatives unless it's a holiday.
..lovely -FYL -Ł
that's some badass hair
#11 I totally love your hair
justin bieba?
not the dog, why not the cat?

If the dog had a serious illness doesnt seem wrong, unless she did it just to get rid of an expense
Agh sorry man.. That's harsh.