By Anonymous - 29/06/2010 17:34 - Canada

By Anonymous - 29/06/2010 17:34 - Canada
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By C0r1nn3 - 07/06/2012 04:02 - United States - Santa Clara
By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 05:43 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/12/2010 00:11 - United States
By Brittany - 18/06/2012 14:57 - United States
By miiiiilk - 05/12/2010 11:12 - United States
By thisblows - 16/03/2011 16:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/04/2020 14:00
By Anonymous - 25/03/2024 19:00 - United Kingdom
By isoheartcaitlin - 25/08/2009 03:34 - United States
I fully agree with him. no guy wants to taste his own life juice. it's like you going down on him right after he pulled out of you, would you like that?
well you were sloppin all over his stuff
If you had a mouthful of his juice, then YDI.
holy shit !! what is with all these whiny ass op's that have no sence of humor ? he was stating to obvious , be cute lick it off give him a cute smile and try again .
YDI. now go to the kitchen and make a sammich to make up for it.
#14 I still go down on my bf after he pulls out... no big deal... it's fun, we try different things.. we're human an he'll kiss me after.. like after he goes down on me he'll kiss me.. what's soo bad about it? we're both clean...
tbf in the heat of the moment I have just kissed back but I see what he means :)
If a guy won't kiss a girl after she goes down in him, he doesn't deserve a BJ.
Snowballing anyone? ;D
If you wanted to kiss him afterwards, than you shouldn't have let him **** in your mouth.
I will kiss them after 95 just not like open mouth or tongues :)
97, I don't care about kissing after either as long as theres no tongue, but she should have known her boyfriend didn't like to kiss after that, unless she hasn't been dating him that long.
lol #29 you horny little teenager
127, snap. :) OP, try help him conquer his fear. next time you go down on him, stop when he's cumming, and aim at his face. it's great fun. ;) that way he'll soon get used to having his s-s-semen on his face.
#14, where do you keep your dick if you're that disgusted by kissing a girl after she tastes it? a girl should never trust a guy who's grossed out by his own dick.
and you're surprised why?? how many girls wanna kiss a guy after he goes down on her.. not many. it's the same thing here
I got no problem making out with my gf after a bj, except when I've jizzed more than just a little on her face and/or in her mouth like it's no big deal really and she always makes out with me after i go down on her, but I can see why guys dong like it cuz personally I'm not a huge fan of snowballin unless there ain't that much **** there
well if you were a guy, you wouldn't want to kiss a chick who just had their mouth full of splooge either...
actually i think I've only had one woman not go down on me after pulling out. it's the clean way to have sex. she swallows no mess. not that I recommend that. can lead to babies
#60 exactly. most of my girlfriends finish me off by me pulling out and them going down on me. clean and fun for both of you :)
hahaha 29 ftw
yeahh, thats dumb he wouldnt kiss you, i mean he gets all your cum in his mouth, so there should be nothing wrong with his own in your mouth kisssing him.
it's immature for him to not kiss you. next time don't swallow and shoot that shut back on him.
62 is Hott so whatever he says goes XD lol
yet clearly thats not true...
62 is hott so whatever he says goes lol XD
agree with 86!!!
it's not the fact that his dick was in her mouth. it's cuz she has **** on her face. no one wants to eat their own ****
its hot when a girl taste her own pussy but when a guy tastes his own dick it's nasty
What kind of stupid double-standard is that, demarcusT? If it's fine for one to do it, it should be fine for the other too.
ha, funny ._.
It's normal. My boyfriend didn't like to kiss me after he cums in my mouth neither, I understand that, He is ok with kissing after BJ only if he didn't cum. This is really no big deal.
Agree with #60
What's hard long and full of semen?
I'd kiss the old lady unless she's been eating tossed salad
Next time, dear, spit in his face, at his mouth specifically, or save it in the freezer, and snowball him when he least expects it.
heh, good one c[:
I like the taste of myself. I don't like the taste of cum though. The boyfriend wins this one. I wouldn't want that in my mouth either...
Man, 129,131. what a bitch. the goo is for the gal
Chaos is right, it is down to personal preference. But I do take objection to the double standard that was mentioned above (as I made clear by doing so earlier).
baby yogurt? that's original lol
your hot!!!
ur all *****!!!! no offense
242, guys like you should be castrated - however, judging by how angry you are, and your "name" being "Big" Daddy, you probably have not much down there to start with. :)
Well, while I agree it's a double-standard, I think people simply have preferences... I mean, they taste different, don't they? Chemically speaking, womens' bodies are acidic while men are basic. Different tastes appeal to different people. Of course, no everyone likes the taste of their own body, but do it anyways for other reasons. So yes, it would appear to be a double-standard, although I'll say this: if a girl can swallow another guy's jism, then he should be able to do the same with his own. But again, no experience here, just a thought...
he's just being smart. that would be more of a FHL
@Monster_Tamer - You have a point. It's more just when one person refuses point blank to kiss their partner after going down on them, but expects them to kiss them the other way around. But like I said, you have a point.
minus gay guys
hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha thts funny
Shmexy ;D
It could have been worse he could have gone s-s-s-sssssssss and exploded
dont get ut
so what's the big deal with that? I don't get it either. maybe OP you and your boyfriend are just too young to be having sex if cum is too "icky" for you.
kiss after head is fine, kiss after **** hell no.
agreed. My ex was surprised I would kiss her afterwords. I replied you kiss me after I go down on you, so why wouldn't I? I don't see what the big deal is anyway.
no guy wants to kiss after getting head
cuz I've had experiences like that and I have her wipe her face first
haha cuz I'm messy ;)
that's kinda lame. but is it really fml worthy?
LOL. Is your boyfriend a snake..? and I would have probably laughed. hahaha.
hahahahahaha! awh, that's funny. but maybe; you should brush your teeth when he's done cuming in your mouth before you kiss him.. that'd be like kissing his own dick.. ew.
wow 7
omg WIN!!
fuuuuuu I hate you, I lost :(
If his dick isn't dirty then whats the problem? I wouldn't want to touch a guy if he won't even touch himself.
Wow... kind of immature.
I mean...It would be like kissing his penis. I wouldn't want to do that. rinse your mouth out. that's all.
I've heard of stuff like this before, where a guy has issues with kissing his partner after they've been down on him. But they're quite happy to kiss them the other way around. Surely you'd think the other person would have the same issues as you, and therefore you wouldn't go to kiss them anyway?
Nothing better than guys with repressed homosexual feelings.
I don't get how not being freaked out by semen residue (because chances are the girl would either have swallowed or spit it out into a tissue or something) would mean that he's a closet homosexual. And what about girls? Are they also repressed homosexuals if they don't mind being kissed after their bf's been down on them?
Being freaked out is what makes him a repressed gay. Or maybe just young and insecure.
i tend to agree. usually a guy that has issues with that is either immature or repressing some latent homophobia.
It's a completely personal preference, nothing more. Some find semen sexy. Others, well, the words of Peter Griffen come to mind: "I-- I can feel them m-moving..."
If a girl can endure the weird taste of semen just to please a guy, the guy can jolly well kiss the girl and please her, even if it means he has to taste his own weird-tasting semen. Geez.
If a guy won't kiss a girl after she goes down in him, he doesn't deserve a BJ.
What's long, hard, and filled with seamen? A SUBMARINE!!! :D