By nuttedthefout - 28/04/2011 13:16

Today, I bought my boyfriend a gold watch for our 2 year anniversary. He bought me a jar of Nutella. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 619
You deserved it 9 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iLikeReadingFMLs 2

Take the watch back. Buy him some bread. Now you can both share Nutella and Bread sandwiches. Winning


reddwarf_fml 0

um. ok. do u love nutella. guessing u do. really thinking he actually put thought into his gift

reddwarf_fml 0

um. ok. do u love nutella. guessing u do. really thinking he actually put thought into his gift

maybe he got it for some kinky sex in bed that night.

Are you upset because he bought you a better gift?

Be thankful you got anything at all... Why do women assume that an expensive gift is required for every single anniversary? Stop whining and make some toast...

maybe it's a hint that you need to spread more often.