By Anonymous - 24/01/2010 19:29 - United States

Today, I broke my dominant hand. My teacher insists we hand-write our essays. I called and asked if it was okay for me to type up the essays. She said no. I have two essays due tomorrow, which count for half my grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 373
You deserved it 3 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You guys are dumb as ****. If he called his teacher, do you really think he would leave out the "I broke my hand, which is why I'm asking"?

zombzomb 0

should've done the work earlier


Don't you have a medical paper saying that with a broken arm, you have to avoid any kind of exercise? Especially so early? I mean, there's no way education can override health so...

budha429 0

What does waiting untill the last minute have to do with anything?. A due date is a due date, you can't punish someone for not having it done earlier when it is still going to be on time. waiting till the last minute has nothing to do with this. teacher will prob accept it but give bad marks even if it was an A paper.

You can always ask someone to hand-write it for you (before you start typing it up). Then when you get to school, show your teacher that you really did break your hand. If you started on the essays earlier, it wouldn't be a problem, but heck, I am a student, too, and most of us do our assignments at the last minute.

ozymandias_fml 0

Good thing for you there is a federal law saying she cannot do that.

Wow. Does she make you stand up when you recite answers to questions, too? Does she make you wear the dunce cap and sit on the boys' side of the room while you're learning at the school THAT'S STUCK IN THE 1830s!?!?! Jesus Christ, tell her to stop being such a technophobic bitch. Also, mention your hand is broken.

YDI for leaving important essays so late! I teach, and I would have said exactly the same thing, but maybe given you a few days extension to sort yourself out. I'm sorry it's harsh, but this is why you have so long to do important papers - in case of mishaps e.g. computer dying. I've also broken my hand and know that it's really hard to type. So you probably wouldn't have had time to write up 2 essays anyway.

LMFAO_fail 0

1. Type a copy. 2. Hand write a copy with your non-dominant hand. or 3. Have your best friend/roommate/parent hand write a copy for you. 4. Turn in the typed copy and the hand written copy, along with something from the doctor. Oh, and everyone freaking out because they left the essays for the last minute, learn to take FML's with a grain of salt. I doubt the essays were actually due the very next day. And if so...yeah, don't even try to say it's their fault for waiting until the last minute. I'd say that 99/100 of my friends waited until the last minute to write papers in high school AND college. And I used to do the same.

choosemusic 0

to all the procrastination comments: OP could have had the essays wriiten but as rough drafts.

just write with your other hand. besides it will be crappy and well she can't complain. I'm sure penmanship do not count XD