By Anonymous - 24/01/2010 19:29 - United States

Today, I broke my dominant hand. My teacher insists we hand-write our essays. I called and asked if it was okay for me to type up the essays. She said no. I have two essays due tomorrow, which count for half my grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 373
You deserved it 3 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You guys are dumb as ****. If he called his teacher, do you really think he would leave out the "I broke my hand, which is why I'm asking"?

zombzomb 0

should've done the work earlier


Inuyasha1770 0

just turn in a very very badly written paper and if she gets mad tell her she shouldn't be a bitch then.

okay you prolly didn't tell her that you hurt your hand and just said oh can I type mine

oiwin 0

u should have had ur parents write it for u

Holymonkeypee 0

ask #14 to do it, he seems to like writing

ShannonBitt 29

Tell someone what you want to write, and they'll write it. Simple solution.

That teacher is a asshole then. Unless she doesn't know your condition, then she should be letting you type it. It's unfair other wise.

I'm pretty sure that if they account for a large portion of your grade, they weren't handed out and expected the next day. YDI. procrastination is like masturbation. As soon as your done, you realize you just screwed yourself...