By Anonymous - 16/05/2012 20:34 - Netherlands - Kerkrade

Today, I called my boyfriend during his lunch break. He started to place his order at a fast food joint, and trying to be funny, I started moaning sexily after each part of his order. I eventually realised I was on speaker when I heard snickering in the background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 740
You deserved it 32 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

Do you always moan when your boyfriend eats out? Giggity

PlutoPrincess222 9

Well that was an interesting move on your part haha :)


Did he order you a five dollar footlong?

And the pickles.... And the Pickles..... And the PICKLES!

loveyouall81 2
Ch4rmluv 8
beastroish 0 in s fast food restaurant, your boyfriend thinks it's a good idea to put his conversation on Speaker Phone???? Weird..

Why was he on speakerphone in a fast food place?

I can always tell when someone has me on speakerphone. ydi