By Anonymous - 16/05/2012 20:34 - Netherlands - Kerkrade

Today, I called my boyfriend during his lunch break. He started to place his order at a fast food joint, and trying to be funny, I started moaning sexily after each part of his order. I eventually realised I was on speaker when I heard snickering in the background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 740
You deserved it 32 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

Do you always moan when your boyfriend eats out? Giggity

PlutoPrincess222 9

Well that was an interesting move on your part haha :)


I'm not exactly sure how that counts as trolling, but whatever.

carmabeans 0

Sorry dollface! But you done goofed!!!

You were trying to be funny and you were, success! Why Fml, you have a great sense of humour

schubur 3

OP, U are the best G/F ever! Ur man is lucky to have a girl with such an awesome sense of humor.

That's my **** too pizza is so sexy >.o

I hate it so much when people put you on speaker without telling you. That's super rude. While I don't think OP's joke was all that funny, she didn't think anyone else would hear. That's why I voted FYL, and not YDI.

jcmjr 4

Ooooohhhh yessssss!!!!!! Burger!!!!!! Lol

Why would he put you on speaker when he's at a public fast food joint?

At least you weren't seducing him over the phone.