By llmd - 10/08/2010 04:30 - Canada

Today, I called my boyfriend just to hear his voice since I haven't seen him in a while. His mom picked up and said "Chris isn't here right now, he's with his girlfriend. Do you want to leave him a message." We've been dating for 4 and a half months now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 647
You deserved it 3 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe he went somewhere with his mates that his mum wouldnt approve of, and said he was going out with you to cover?


Lol, this is terrifying! I'm dating Chris in Ontario. =P Wonder how many Chris's are actually out there. And how many of them are cheating. Sorry about what happened. If I were you I'd confront him about it, and if you can prove that he's cheating, dump his sorry ass and find a man worth your time. =)

markisunder0ath 0

who cares about 4 1/2 months. move on.

That's what I was thinking, I'm guessing op is like 12 or something?

that boyfriend of yours is a asshole bitchdickhead poophead

that sucks why won't you find someone else ghats worth it

Is it just me or are ALL guys named Chris assholes? Sorry OP, dump him and live your life a single, beautiful girl! ;)

Are you sure he wasn't just going out to see you? and his mom probably never met you, and so it could have been all just a misunderstanding?

you know, some guys will tell their moms theyre going out with their gf, but really then go get high or something with their friends. haha, my sisters boyfrirnd did that.

I been dating this girl for 4.5 months and haven't spoke to her in a while. She called while I was out and my mum, who doesn't like her, told her I was with another girl. FML

soccer_chickk 0

maybe the mom is just trying I break you up?:/ fyl.

:O I'm dating a Chris and i havent seen him in a little while! this made me really nervous! I guess there are a lot Chris' out there! :/