By Darth Binks - 01/02/2015 18:48 - Canada

Today, I came back from vacation to find a packet on the company's stress management programs on my desk. I was sent the same packet over my vacation. I got the same packet from my boss as I left. All because I snapped at a co-worker who was throwing a tantrum over the Star Wars trailer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 420
You deserved it 3 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good...good...let the hate flow through you.

At least it wasn't a Star Trek trailer.


It's being directed by JJ Abrahams (the new Star Trek films). We will see he first ever lensflare sabre.

oh because clearly the guy throwing a tantrum over a trailer doesn't have any issues. FFS. Bosses are the same everywhere.

udaykataria 18

why do people even care about Star Wars? no offense, but it's kind of dumb that they're releasing like 10 new movies.