By Kilika - 08/06/2009 00:17 - United States

Today, I came home and found my desk devoid of all paper. Turned out my mom dropped by and wanted to surprise me by cleaning up my work area. She threw away over 7 months worth of irreplaceable original sketches, notes and storylines, thinking they were worthless. My job is a full-time artist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 530
You deserved it 3 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

girlnamedkris 0

Oh my god. That's rough... Is your mom actually delusional though? Possibly mentally challenged? Did she throw away your drawings as a child? Jesus. You definitely did not deserve this one. Condolences...

tonia_fml 0

daaaaaaamn. i'm really sorry. you never throw away an artists' papers


"Why would you give your mom the key to your house. Are you an idiot?" Wow 121, you must really not like your mom or something, the rest of us trust our parents. Except when it comes to art, then they are clueless what is good and what isn't. Yeah, I would have been very, very pissed off about that. Sorry, at lease people agree that this sucks. I at least hope you kept some of the ideas, or maybe sketches somewhere else?

ohhhhshizzz 0

Uhh, hello??? How being an artist, NOT, a job? Huh? ANYONE can do an office job. Artists get paid ******* big time. They create the cartoons, the comic books, the paintings, the movies. So being an artists does not only involve painting things, no. You do a lot of things. And when someone pays you to do something, that is called a job. Jackasses, like really are you that dense? Gahh. People are so idiotic. OP: Uhhh, I hate when my mom throws out my stuff. Like I never throw anything of hers out but she does it to me, and she comes in my room going through everything. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! But what YOUR mom did, I'd be so upset. My mom also threw out a notebook of poems & lyrics. Angry. I hope you take away her key, or atleast let her know, unless there is an emergency NOT to go into your home again; without you there.

icanhazstapler 0

Time to go dumpster diving. Seriously though, if you want them back you better hurry up!

who clicks YDI for this one? OP: that sucks XP

Damn that sucks :( I draw too, and I make sure my whole family knows that if they throw my stuff out I'd crush them. If they find anything of mine they just leave it in my room. FYL.

Ultraviolet_fml 0

omggg... that's stressing me out just thinking about it T_T i'm an artist, too, i can imagine how horrible that would be.. i'm so sorry. i hope you can redo at least some of the sketches--i know once i've drawn something once, it's stuck in my memory and i can usually recreate it

4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20

#133, the OP said that his mother "dropped" by which implies that he has his own place which means that he does have a lock. His mother probably had a copy of the key for emergencies. #119, "artist isn't a real jobs anyway." Not only is this comment very ignorant since artists earn money for creating cartoons, movies, comic books (etc...) which technically makes it a job but your comment is also grammatically wrong.

First of all, your mom sucks. You're an adult and she comes over to your place and just throws things away? How would she like it if you went through her linen closet- or workspace - and threw stuff away, too? That is the worst invasion of privacy I've heard of in a while. Second, you should ALWAYS have copies of everything you've done. Not only in hardcopy, but on discs, zip drives and many duplicate ways. You never know if the roof is going to leak all over your things, or if the computer is going to crash. I really hate your mom was so horrible, but you absolutely were negligent in not having copies. I speak from experience, considering I'm a budding author, and photographer, and I had no copies of any of my work, other than what was on my computer and what was in one photo album. My computers were stolen from my house when I was robbed last year, and any actual photographs I had were destroyed when they trashed my place. Everything is/was gone... Learn from me!