Art critic

By Anonymous - 09/08/2009 00:02 - United States

Today, my mom went snooping through my art bin to "clean out my old drawings". She found numerous nude pieces and accused me of selling porn. My mom mistook and threw out 57 anatomy practice sketches that I worked very very hard on, and ripped up the remainder of my drawings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 088
You deserved it 3 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dillybar 0

Ouch, I know how that feels :( Nudity =/= ****.

What a ******* bitch.... my Dad did something similar when I was young. He tore out all of my anatomy images from my sketchbooks.


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I wish people like you would grow up. "Hahahahahahahhahahahaha"

Deathlyranch 0

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I don't even know how to respond to this.

Deathlyranch, they might have had to draw these peices for some reason such as their art tutor or teacher telling them.

YDI for filing your nails with a cheese grater.

GR3453m0nk3y 4

KumoFF7..... WTF????? and you guys are dumb, it says that they were his anatomy sketches, hence; anatomy class and freddylunch your especially dumb the OP's tutor selling them would prove his/her mom right! and deathly ranch 1) shut the **** up 2) how do you know the OP isnt a woman??? and 3) how do you know they were men???

@GR3453m0nk3y, freddylunch said "telling," not "selling." learn to read OP: man that seriously sucks. It really shows us how much we shouldn't jump to conclusions

Oh come on grow up, nudity is a huge part of art and a lot of famous sculptures have "naked men" in them, like the statue of David. The human body is a beautiful thing, it twists and turns and can show so much emotion in just body language alone. Not only that but everyone's body is so different which makes it fun to sculpt or draw or paint. If you are not mature enough to handle the very essence of what art is then you should not be allowed to judge it.

Kill the bitch lmao jk but seriously she didn't even consult you first?

Dillybar 0

Ouch, I know how that feels :( Nudity =/= ****.

It's ≠. Also, OP, your mom is a touch psycho. I second the motion of throwing out everything of hers that is 'inappropriate'.

I agree! All these parents who are throwing out valuable stuff belonging to their kids really need to just **** off.

nomnomsean 0

yeah, i would bitch my mom out if she did that. cause thats INSANE

whiskeyloverrrr 0

That sucks so much I'm sorry :( FYL

What a ******* bitch.... my Dad did something similar when I was young. He tore out all of my anatomy images from my sketchbooks.

StarCutie83 0

LOL When I was in high school I took an anatomy class. My parents covered all the naughty parts and pictures they thought would scare me with pictures of carebears super glued to the page. I was 17 years old...

Personally, I would be freaked by a pink career over a naked man's penis... No matter if I were 7, 17 or 27.

Nudity != ****. Even though quite a lot of artistic nudity was commissioned as private **** (Birth of Venus by Botticelli is a good example), you hear of so much anti-sexual actually parenting in America these days. It's simply depressing. Plus the amount of people complaining on FML about parents throwing out their stuff either talk with your parents before you start making these important items and explain that they are not to be thrown away, or purchase a storage locker away from home. There is no other way.

Beven 0

damn dude that sucks so much

alex_vik 0

Well they were practice sketches, it's not like it was a full blown painting.

Beven 0

you obviously don't know how long 57 good practice sketches of something take... also the rest of his art got ripped up

hahafmls 8

Art is art, it doesn't matter how big or small, or what medium. All art takes time and passion. To say that since it wasn't a huge painting rendered it worthless, just shows how little sense you have.

#7, artists like to look back at their old practice sketches as reference pieces. And #1, how the hell does OP deserve it?

deni_kaos 0

i was very surprised when my mom didn't throw out my anatomy sketches. i feel very bad for you too, you must have put a lot of effort into those sketches.

You should go through her things and throw out and tear up anything above a PG-13 rating, saying it's inappropriate. (Books, films, sex toys, condoms, etc.)

Forget PG-13, get rid of anything that's above rated G! I second this motion!

organismal 0

and do it right before garbage day so that she can't recover any of it