By Anonymous - 28/05/2017 19:00 - United States - Higginsville

Today, I was home from college and went to eat at a local mexican place. The manager started yelling at me about an unpaid tab. Apparently, my dad likes to drink there and skipped on his tab. Again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 699
You deserved it 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fearrhyno1 18

You're going to have to tell your dad he can no longer have Juan more drink at that restaurant anymore.

You'll need to have a little chat with your dad.


fearrhyno1 18

You're going to have to tell your dad he can no longer have Juan more drink at that restaurant anymore.

The good news is that Hog n Jog (aka, Dine n Dash, Eat n Cheat, Chew n Screw) is not an inherited trait.

nzfireman 14

should have told him where to go

Dexter83aus 7

I personally would of told the manager that they allowed it to happen and it has nothing to do with me

Dad sounds like he's developing an alcohol addiction, honestly.