By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 23:12 - Canada

Today, I came home from work and went to open the door. I Iooked through the window and saw a man in my house. Terrified, I called the police. They came, searched the house, and found nothing missing. I went back inside and looked through the window and saw him again. It was my reflection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 526
You deserved it 79 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol! I can't believe you messed up that badly. :)

haha I hope you were either high or really tired.


mtorres8789 0

lmao! omg i almost peed!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ruach 0

I just want you to know that's the test they use to classify animals as intelligent or not, you failed.

This is indeed rather FYL worthy (if only because I didn't imagine that this actually happened to people) but what is even sadder is the sheer quantity of people going "Durr hurr, ur stupid." or "Even animals can do that!" without any backstory on any of this. For one thing, we know he came home from work so it was (most likely) dark. If he opened the window and saw a dark figure in his house I don't think he made a terrible decision in calling the cops. Better than if he saw a dark figure in his house and decided to go in anyways.

jen_kay 0

LMFAO! FYL. that must have been embarrising when you relized. F Y L

Gaiwa 0

Police didnt ask how the man came in and out without breaking something? And: The reflection is like a mirror. You saw "this man" 3 feet away, inside your apartment staring out of the window directly into your face... Im mean seriously, if you look at the mirror, you see your own ******* face looking at you and not yourself 10feet away doing something else like watching tv or something... unless you did LOTS of lsd or something, then perhaps you see strangers in the mirror doing crazy shit.

If your a girl why did it look like a man >.> :o

That would be because the OP is a man.

PoolOfIck 0

lol good thing you didn't say he was ugly :P