By Taurus_ChicKa - 31/05/2011 16:44 - United States

Today, I came home from work to find my computer smashed into a hundred pieces. My dad threw it at my mom because they were having a fight and my computer was the closest thing to throw. He refuses to fix it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 942
You deserved it 3 188

Taurus_ChicKa tells us more.

OP here, let me clear it up. Mom blamed my computer for something I said so she thought I was turning spaghetti brained and demanded Dad to unhook it. Menopause is a bitch. So after hours of this Dad yanked the comp out and threw it NOT directly at Mom but...

Top comments

A7X_LoVeee 10

Damn. You have an asshole of a father.

ideasrule 13

How can he fix it if it's in 100 pieces?


If he was in a heated argument, I doubt fixing your computer was at the top of his list. It probably wasn't a good time to ask.

Why don't you concentrate on the domestic violence in your family before the computer next time OP?

**** your computer. He threw an object at your mom! I'd be more concerned of your mothers well being

Axel9121 0

Best part is you're saying that bad part is the broken computer, wow you're messed up!