By Taurus_ChicKa - 31/05/2011 16:44 - United States

Today, I came home from work to find my computer smashed into a hundred pieces. My dad threw it at my mom because they were having a fight and my computer was the closest thing to throw. He refuses to fix it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 942
You deserved it 3 188

Taurus_ChicKa tells us more.

OP here, let me clear it up. Mom blamed my computer for something I said so she thought I was turning spaghetti brained and demanded Dad to unhook it. Menopause is a bitch. So after hours of this Dad yanked the comp out and threw it NOT directly at Mom but...

Top comments

A7X_LoVeee 10

Damn. You have an asshole of a father.

ideasrule 13

How can he fix it if it's in 100 pieces?


is your mom smashed into a 100 pieces too?

laurieloulou 0

I think the real problem here is not your computer, it's the fact that your dad is that much more not a true man for going to the lengths of throwing heavy objects at a woman. That's the same as hitting her, it still causes pain.

hunteryager 18

But if he threw this object at a man it would be ok, right? Stfu you entitled bitch

DavidSuperRicks 0

why don't you just buy another one lol

Because money doesn't grow on trees, dude.

thingamajiga 5

We're not all made of money, douchebag.

PawsUp_fml 2

okay If I was in your spot I would break his shit until he fixed mine for two reasons: 1. he just abused my mom and 2. he broke someone else's stuff. Great family you have. (the number for help is NINE ONE ONE)

I'd say FHL for your mother for having an abusive asshole husband. Mind you, if he's throwing computers now, in a couple of years he could be throwing knives

I don't like your dad. I'm sorry for you