By Ed - 05/12/2010 13:53 - United States

Today, I came home from work to find my five year old daughter drawing unicorns on the wall. The same wall that I had to repaint last week because it had puppies on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 656
You deserved it 11 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bishhitsandii 3

Who was supposed to be watching her? It's their fault.


ZaneAnTy 0

give her chalk to draw with, it comes right off with warm soapy water

SwtCherryPie 26

well OP you obviously didnt handle the puppy on the wall situation very well ... the punishment was worth the crime so why not do it again ...

enroutetothesky 0

So you didn't learn your lesson the first time?! Watch your kid and teach them not to draw on walls.

duplay2 2

suggestion: they make this wonderful chalk board paint. since she likes to draw there make that her special drawing area and teach her that this is her area only. and it's a special area just for her. and then teach her she can't draw on walls except there. this way you are giving her creative space and teaching her the lesson and you don't have to keep repainting the wall. plus you have now given your child a place to create and share. who knows she may be the next Monet..xoxo A mom of three good luck

iivann 0

kids do the cutest things! lol

skyeyez9 24

A large dry erase board for her wall may be a good christmas gift.

skyeyez9 24

If I had drawn all over walls when I was 5, there wouldn't have been a second incident. My parents would have whooped my ass.

you should get chalkboard paint and paint o section of your wall with it. Give her some chalk and you're good to go, just make sure to teach her to only draw on that section, LOL. And who the hell was watching her while she had the time to do this? YDI, for not paying attention to your child, hahaha, (:

at least it's unicorns and dogs. in a few years she might be drawing penis'