By Nchristine - 27/05/2010 20:59 - United States

Today, I came home to find my dad had backed into my already crappy car. The reason they didn't buy me a nicer car in the first place was they were afraid I'd wreck it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 946
You deserved it 4 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dang although they don't really have to buy you a car

how about you get a job and the BUY yourself a nicer car like the rest of the world. I mean at least you have a car whether crap or not.


porkchopsammich 0

As 11 said, your parents bought you a car, deal with it!

SlipKnoT_Fukk 0

stop botching. they bought you a car.

perdix 29

He was right. He didn't necessarily mean that you are a bad driver -- he just knows that you are very unlucky. He gets the "win" on that one!

I agree with the other posters: You are a SPOILED BRAT to complain about the quality of a FREE CAR. If I were your parents, I'd take the car away from you and sell it until you lost your sense of entitlement.

oh poor you. yeah, my tiara is too small and my house is just too big. get a life. most people don't get cars given to them.

Lol.. "My fifties don't fit in my wallet, and my diamond shoes are too tight!"

Talia_91 13

who cares free car! quit bitching

DenvaaThuggets 0

It's not like you worked for your car, so quit bitching.

i wouldve cursed ur dad off walked up to him taken his keys and just drive away