By Anonymous - 08/10/2010 16:33 - United States

Today, I came home to find that my pregnant cat had given birth to a stillborn kitten in practically every room of the house. She had then rubbed her butt around the house, leaving bloody stains everywhere. When I tried to clean the white carpet, the bleach turned it green. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 848
You deserved it 5 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fishfanatic 7

Oh >.< That's horrid. Poor cat! Did you not take her to the vets recently? They could surely have done a scan to see if the kittens were ok ( which we now know they weren't ).

perdix 29

You could start selling little Italian flags. You know, with the red, the white and the green.


ydi for having a FEMALE cat if you didn't want to be in the mess you should've gotten only 1 cat or 2 male or 2 female cats...stupid

doglady 16

ew...that's why I'm a dog person

cryssycakesx3 22

good thing they don't get pregnant...

one can learn gestation periods and keep the pet confined prior to birth. still, sterilization is best unless breeding show cats.

cryssycakesx3 22

show cats shouldn't have more rights. "people should be sterilized, unless of course they're models"

Focker218_fml 0

Oh gross, that sucks! Try oxiclean

sonicind 1

Next time use peroxide YDI for using bleach on carpet. Now the bleach is going to eat through the carpet backing.