By Anonymous - 08/10/2010 16:33 - United States

Today, I came home to find that my pregnant cat had given birth to a stillborn kitten in practically every room of the house. She had then rubbed her butt around the house, leaving bloody stains everywhere. When I tried to clean the white carpet, the bleach turned it green. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 848
You deserved it 5 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fishfanatic 7

Oh >.< That's horrid. Poor cat! Did you not take her to the vets recently? They could surely have done a scan to see if the kittens were ok ( which we now know they weren't ).

perdix 29

You could start selling little Italian flags. You know, with the red, the white and the green.


Umm... If you ask me, the FML aspect should be more about how your cat is feeling, or the fact that all her kittens are dead, not your damn carpet. Maybe you shouldn't have pets, because your priorities are ******.

starDragon_fml 0

bad pet parent that cat was too young to reproduce. and she should be having more kittens to end up in shelters and be put down

What the hell. this is disgusting. And the fact that the OP is mad about her carpet is just horrible. **** you, OP. **** you. F the cat's life? Yes. F the stillborn's "lives"? Yes. F your life? No. In fact, I hope your life gets more F'd after this story.

Person000 0

121 ARE YOU RETARDED. EVERY SINGLE DAY WE PUT DOWN THOUSANDS OF CATS. why? cuz idiots like you want your cats to have babies! idiot! cats are so overpopulated we have to kill off thousands off cats (and dogs). we say NUETER your cat so we don't have to f$&@ing kill them when they are left on the streets. my god, idiots! those shelters you pick up a cat or dog from, you know the place? that's the last chance they have. if no one takes them after awhile they will kill it. educate yourself god I hate people like you.

rofflewaffle 9

YDI for not spaying your cat. It's because of irresponsible pet owners like OP that every year thousands of cats die in the streets or are killed in shelters.

You know you're not meant to leave heavily pregnant cats, right?

Sunsbeenkind 0

Neutering is ******* unethical. You're going to change the natural way of another animal's body just because you're lonely and want a ******* pet? That's disgusting. And am I the only one who found it extremely tragic that this cat birthed so many still borns?

palmtrees 1

Seriously? People don't spay/neuter their animals just because they want a pet - they do it so that they don't contribute to the enormous problem of homeless pets that must be euthanized every single day because there are no homes for them. The more kittens and puppies that are born, the more this problem is increased. FYI, the shelters in my state currently have to euthanize about 90% of the cats that they take in because they are out of space and not enough people are adopting. Not to mention that spaying/neutering has been associated with a lessened rate of certain health problems. So how, exactly, is neutering less ethical than NOT neutering?

YOURE DISGUSTING! would you rather have millions of cats & dogs killed every day so they can keep all their parts? how ethical is that, hmmmm?????

congratulations for what? all the kittens were stillborns and the op's carpet is ruined. I don't think there is anything to congratulate in this fml.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you dead kittens, make a stew.

word!!! Kitten Stew... THAT made me laugh!!