By Notthatone - 21/04/2015 23:00 - United States - Madison

Today, I came out as bisexual to my 17-year-old sister. She was quiet for a second, then told me she knows for sure I only have "girl parts". I had to explain to her the difference between being bi and being a hermaphrodite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 490
You deserved it 4 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's actually brilliant because you were able to explain it to her before any prejudices could reach her.

This is why we need to update sex education in schools.


TallMist 32

Why the Hell is this getting so many YDIs?

i_needa_username 17
TallMist 32
TallMist 32

For there to be over 1000 YDIs on this FML proves there's over 1000 bigots on FML. That's way too many. Hell, even 1 is way too many.

TallMist 32

That's very true. I really shouldn't assume. I am willing to believe, though, that a lot of those YDIs are biased.

i_needa_username 17

Hi fellow bi person. You go girl educate ppl!

At least you were able to explain it to her before she said something dumb to s stranger

The biggest question, is why was she certain about what your genitalia looks like?

Ashd09 30

It's not unusual for young sisters to bathe together so if they are close in age, they may have taken baths together when they were little

I'll take my steak as a four, maybe medium five, and if you could do my butter as a two, it'd melt perfectly. Thanks!

It could also be that she was caught off guard and had a moment of confusion. That's not necessarily a conversation you are expecting to have with your sibling all of a sudden. And we all have moments like that. I'd rather that reaction than a hurtful one. At least you can joke about it later.

17 is a little old not to know what that means... But I guess her reaction is a lot better than a lot of the other 'coming out of the closet' FML's I've read. Good for you!

Today's youth are just too stupid. They need to stop burying their heads in the cell phones and start reading a book and take notice of life around them. Maybe then they won't be as self involved and stupid

TallMist 32

Would you guys just stop going around saying how anyone today under your own age is stupid? Honestly, you guys act as if you didn't have as many stupid people around when you were younger. Newsflash: You did. Idiots are only easier to spot now because of the internet.

1. You say "today's youth" as if it classifies a certain group of people, babies are born everyday. It isn't like a large amount of babies are born at specifically one moment. 2. If "today's youth" really is as stupid as you claim it to be, whose fault is that? We didn't raise ourselves you know.

92- As a 19 year old, I can tell you that I literally just got in from my garden where I'd been reading a book for the past couple of hours. Yes, there are 'stupid' people in this generation just as there in every single other generation. Like 94 said, it's just easier to see/hear about those people now because of the internet and such. Please stop being patronizing, it's very insulting.

At least she seems accepting of your sexuality