By Notthatone - 21/04/2015 23:00 - United States - Madison

Today, I came out as bisexual to my 17-year-old sister. She was quiet for a second, then told me she knows for sure I only have "girl parts". I had to explain to her the difference between being bi and being a hermaphrodite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 490
You deserved it 4 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's actually brilliant because you were able to explain it to her before any prejudices could reach her.

This is why we need to update sex education in schools.


I am younger,much younger than 17 and I know the difference.

dannnngthatsux 19

From an ignorant person's view point, it makes sense. She didn't say she was duo gendered, your sex is your parts, therefore bisexual is have 2 sex parts. If you love only one gender you aren't unisexual.

TallMist 32

No... there's most definitely a difference between being bi and having both parts. Being bi means you can fall in love with someone, whether male or female. Being intersexed (a hermaphrodite) means having both male and female parts at the same time. (Not to be confused with being transgender)

Kristoffer 35

there's no such thing as a human hermaphrodite. you meant to say intersex.

in·ter·sex noun the abnormal condition of being intermediate between male and female; hermaphroditism. an intersex individual; a hermaphrodite.

Fyi, hermaphrodite is not the accepted term. Intersex is correct.

Congrats on coming out, welcome to the team lol. Sorry you had to explain that to her though, awkward

Guess your seduction plan kinda back fired