By adirom - 21/10/2014 02:25 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I came out as bisexual to my friends via group message. They didn't respond; I had a panic attack. An hour later, one of my friends texted back, "k". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 638
You deserved it 9 555

adirom tells us more.

Thanks for all your support (or lack there of in some cases) for those of you wondering why I told them over text, my friends and I are very close and have a group message with just the 4 of us, the topic came up and I took the opportunity. I have social anxiety, and decided for the sake of my sanity that would work best. And after my one friend replied "k" there were multiple texts saying they supported me and didn't think of me any differently (which was my worry). So it all turned out for the best! To all of y'all who think being bisexual isn't a big deal, coming out regardless is a big deal. So please try and open your mind to how difficult it is to stray from social norms!

Top comments

Their silence probably means they're "k" with it. Just as long as you're happy with whom you are.

Gay is the new norm. It's not even cool to come out as gay anymore. The real edgy people are coming out as ebola victims.


Could've is a shortened version of could have #15. So basically, you've just repeated what #12 said

This is one of my greatest fears about coming out. So congrats OP, it's still a brave thing to do and hopefully your friends indifference is one of acceptance.

Most likely that means they don't care (in a good way).

#26 yes he did but his is actually better because that is what #3 meant to say. apparently the "ve" gets confused with "of" despite its obvious grammatical flaws

A friend of mine came out like that a couple of years ago. We knew eachother since I don't know, fifteen years. But he's not bisexual but homosexual. Our reaction was: who cares! So what? But only now I realize how important this step, we treat a little bit "lightly" had been for him but honestly I don't know if a more articulate answer, like "We are very happy to know that you have found a sexual identity blablabla you will be always our dear friend blablabla" would have been more appreciated.

Wait, isn't that a pretty *good* thing? I mean, maybe they don't really care because it just doesn't really matter/change anything regarding to your friendship...? :>

They probably already expected that you were bisexual, I wouldn't worry much about the subject.

SaharaZinc 14

Maybe you should try face to face interactions next time.