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By mastermind - 01/09/2019 02:00

Today, I can add "Ferrari" to the long list of cars I’ve almost been hit by. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 410
You deserved it 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments


If a Ferrari hits you, that is a big insurance settlement. Next time put a little more effort into it.

Sounds like your own driving skills just might be in need of some improvement if other cars keep getting too close to you in yours. Just sayin'....



If a Ferrari hits you, that is a big insurance settlement. Next time put a little more effort into it.

But that assumes that the owner hasn't let the insurance policy lapse and that it's not a hit-n-run with a successful getaway esp. by a car thief ie, you know whose car hit you.... Otherwise, OP is SOL. Also, chronic pain & life-long disabilities tend to ruin one's quality & enjoyment of life. I prefer to be "poor," but healthy myself with fully-working, pain-free body parts.

Sounds like your own driving skills just might be in need of some improvement if other cars keep getting too close to you in yours. Just sayin'....

XUDT72 24

Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. No one cares...

Pedestrianing can be a bitch! They ought to give classes.

This is why jaywalking is an infraction. Or a misdemeanour. Or whichever one it is. Plus, I guess this doesn't count if you're a Limey. Always look both ways before crossing the street/use a designated crossing, or that Ferrari could be replaced by something shitty like a Jetta, and the humiliation of being hit by one of those will hurt far more than the injuries sustained from the accident.

twin 18

At some point you have to ask yourself why you have almost been hit by a list of cars.

404wan 19

Looks like someone needs to learn to look both ways before crossing the road.

If it's a long list on going to assume it's your fault. ydi