By Username - 04/05/2011 03:24

Today, I can't attend an interview for a great job because I have an exam. An exam I need to pass in order to have a great job like the one I'm missing the interview for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 259
You deserved it 4 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didnt you schedule the interview you should have known when your exam was.


clemcool_fml 0

what I read: today, I am too lazy/stupid/scared to be proactive in my life and reschedule either an exam or an interview. FML. even if the interviewer can't reschedule for some odd reason (as someone else said, I've never had an interview that I didn't have a say in the time for) you could talk to your teacher and request to take the exam with an earlier class. if one doesn't exist, explain the situation and see if he can't help you out at all. if neither of these options work, let the person interviewing you know (at least a couple days ahead!) that you are very sorry to say you won't be able to make the interview due to a last minute conflict, but that you sincerely hope his company would still be willing to consider you in the future. don't over explain, and don't make an excuse as to why you can't go. then go take your exam so you qualify for the next great job you find.

clearly you should not have scheduled an Interview when you had a huge test like that. they usually give you at least a weeks notice before big exams and since it's finals time you deff had to know the test was coming so you totally deserve this one

Ridiculous. If you tell them you have an exam, especially one for a subject relevant to the job, they will reschedule. No employer offering any kind of decent job requiring education is going to expect you to miss an exam for an interview.

cmatiec 0

get a planner, then you will know when everything is and you won't have this problem again. and re schedule the interview!

why did you schedule the interview for the same day?

You shouldnt of scheduled the interview on the same day. -_- duh*

if it's such a great job you can reschedule.