Where am I?

By rmo1776 - 06/04/2009 06:16 - United States

Today, I went to a very nice reception at a hotel. I glanced inside the ballroom and saw that no one else was in there and, not wanting to be the first one there, I walked past and into the stairway. Turns out, I had walked into the emergency exit stairs and had to set off the alarm to get out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 022
You deserved it 49 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dimmythat 0

next time, read those big, red, glowing words.

don't most fire exits have signs on them and a big red bar?


dimmythat 0

next time, read those big, red, glowing words.

Niiiiiiice. Sounds like something I would do, actually...

420hiadventurer 0

Normally the fire exits have a lot of signs warning people not to exit because an alarm will sound. But if it doesn't have anything marked it's not your fault, just really annoying.

don't most fire exits have signs on them and a big red bar?

UnCensoredBitch 0

Ummmm... the bar across the door and "emergency exit" sign didn't give it away?

If it's not one of those doors with the big red bar, it isn't your fault. I hate hotels that won't let you use the stairs without the alarm going off. Sometimes it's much more convenient to use the stairs if you're lucky enough to get a 2nd-floor room. It's not FYL necessarily, it's most likely F the hotel.

this is not that bad. This is actually a story that you could actually look back on and laugh

That's nice. Now was there a huge kerfuffle of people running around thinking it was an emergency, or just a maintenance guy getting a bit annoyed? Because it's these things that determine whether or not your story was really worth writing on FML.