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By RainbowSuck - 07/02/2017 16:00 - Canada

Today, after passing various interviews and tests, I was given a great job pending a pre-employment medical test. Now I'm jobless and colorblind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 214
You deserved it 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mooglefox 23

What kind of job is it that you can't get if you are colorblind?

I've heard you can be passed over for piloting jobs if you have certain forms of color blindness.


Mooglefox 23

What kind of job is it that you can't get if you are colorblind?

I believe colorblind people still see shades of color different from others, just not the color other people see. So I'm sure they can still be painters :)

I've heard you can be passed over for piloting jobs if you have certain forms of color blindness.

zeusdom 15

Certain military jobs I believe as well

You can still be in the military (Air Force at least) with color blindness, just not all jobs. You can't be a mechanic, for instance. Or a fire fighter.

Electricians cannot be colorblind either.

species4872 19

There are varying degrees of color blindness, Most people have some kind of color blindness to a greater or lesser extant. By the way, never argue with a women about color hues as women can distinguish far more hues then men.

That's just a biological fact. Colorblindness is extremely rare in women, that aside, never argue about colors with anyone because it's been proved that almost everyone has a slightly different perception of colors, what one sees as teal is blue for another person. And different types of colorblindness do exist, most colorblind people can't see red nor green. Some can't see blue and some can't see any colors and see only in black and white, though it's extremely rare.

Jesus.... You do realize we all have the same cones in our eyes, right? And also, hues or constant. You're thinking of tints and shades.

It should be most men have some form of colour blindness. Most women do not...

Aw, I'm sorry, that sucks. I'm sad for you because that's so racist! I thought we all were supposed to be colorblind.

Nothing to do with race. Discrimination for sure, but not in race.

This person was making a joke about people who claim they're not racist, they don't see color, calling themselves "colorblind."

The joke here is using "not seeing color" as "not being racist". So, the company is so racist that they wouldn't hire the OP, because the OP is not racist.

species4872 19

Nothing really to do with discrimination either as color blindness can be a safety issue.

Iwannarock1 19

Richard, you don't need to comment on every FML. You're trying too hard here.

It's not even discrimination, for some jobs colorblindness can be a safety hazard.

Did you not already know you were colorblind before taking the test?

Many people don't realize that they're colorblind. This is mainly due to colorblind being (in most instances) a misnomer. The way humans perceive color is that we have, in our eyes, an assortment of cone shaped cells that are stimulated by certain wavelengths of light. There are three types: those that help us perceive red light, those for blue, and those for green. If one has a deficiency of one or more types, or even a complete lack thereof, that person will be unable to perceive the correlating primary color(s), and as an extension, any color made using that/those color(s) will be perceived as a different color than somebody with the proper amount of cones would see. So basically, if a person only has a deficiency of one type of cone (and not a complete omission of it), their color perception will differ from the norm. In most cases, this has absolutely no bearing on the individual's livelihood, and they might go their entire life without knowing they are, in fact, colorblind. However, certain fields require a person to be able to differentiate colors accurately (as an earlier commenter mentioned, a pilot is one such career). While one may think it's no big deal, it becomes apparent why it can be in certain situations when one considers one of the simple tests for colorblindness. It basically has a circle of colored dots (the colors vary from page to page), and in each circle, there is a number made up of dots of a different color. To most people, the number is easily discernible. However, to one whom is colorblind, on some pages, it is impossible to make out the number, due to them having the necessary cone(s) to differentiate the colors from each other. The pages are set up in such a way that the number(s) which the person was/were unable to identify demonstrates which cone(s) they may have a deficiency of, or be lacking.

SirOwl 0

I went with 'I agree, your life sucks' but I'm not sure now that I voted. I kind of feel like this is something you should have been diagnosed with or been aware of a long time ago, but on the other hand I know people who didn't know they were colour bind until well into their 40's because when they were diagnosed it was for Protanomaly or Deuteranomaly which are basically the least intrusive colourblindness you can have. It sucks but at the end of the day if the job requires extensive use of visual imagery and being able to distinguish between colours is essential then I can understand their position.

Isa_fml 20

Well, I mean, you were already colourblind, whether you knew it or not...

If it's any consolation, you were jobless and colorblind before, it's just now you know about it.

Depending on the job, they might have just broken the GINA law, Genetic Information and Nondiscrimination Law (passed in 2008). Being colorblind is a genetic disorder and the law prohibits discrimination based on genetic status.

But not being able to distinguish wires if you're, for example, an electrician, is a safety issue. If there was a medical test for colorblindness and OP didn't pass, there must be a reason.