By fabs1171 - 29/11/2012 05:40 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, I caught the train into the city. Halfway there some kids hopped on smelling of marijuana and alcohol. Their topic of discussion? How much pubic hair they had. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 700
You deserved it 3 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

An appropriate topic of conversation, considering you live "down under", no? :-P

"Lol, Dave only has one pube! I have, at least 5!" "Wow man, you've got some serious balls, duuuuude" Must have been a riveting conversation.


gxkon 5

The youth of The world We are all doomed

20 - The way you capitalise words makes it look like you are citing bands or song titles...

Who am I to judge? Maybe minimalism is what's hip these days. But just FYI, I meant more like "The youth of" and "We are all doomed." Still sucks but hey.

lelo007 11

I hate to even get a wax done.. I can't imagine going one by one in such a sensitive area.

Well, Noor, when I read your first comment I didn't know you meant ALL of the hair, how sadistic ;) Quite the cutaneous crucible.

michaelaranda 28

How the **** is this an fml? You dont have to live with them.

Well they were getting stoned they probably took all they're pants off and comparing them. What happened to stoners being deep thinkers?

senor_awesome 14

Hey man, what if, we're like, just part of this other creatures pubes? Like, if everything in, like, the universe, is just one big pube?


Oh my ******* god :O people talking about pubes! this is the ******* worst thing ever!

HOPPE612 5

honestly why were you listening to there conversation then??

I'm not gonna lie noor you are rather scary...

jdmur 6

At that moment you should have reminisced about all the stupid shit you did when you were young!