By Sue - 26/03/2011 15:41 - United States

Today, I co-starred in a production of Hamlet. Halfway through play, the actor playing Hamlet forgot his lines, threw a raging temper tantrum, screaming about how much he hated the play and how he wanted to go home in front of hundreds of audience members. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 103
You deserved it 3 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have slapped that ******* drama queen in the face. Goddamned prima donna needs to be knocked down a few levels back to reality.


A7X_LoVeee 10

I'm sure the audience found it amusing

No wonder he was playing Hamlet. All Hamlet does is throw rage fits and whine throughout the entire play.

denvan 0

Then you should've tackled him and taken over for his part

I would have laughed my ass off and tell him to chill out and go mastubate to a computer generated figure Like he always does while you rail his mother just above His lair aka the basement and tell him that he needs to practice so he doesn't freak out next time he forgets his lines!!!!!! and ruin the play for the rest of the actors. but thats me :)

chickunkey 0

Let's face it, the play was as boring as hell before he did that..

that would have been funny if he raged in old english...