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By hopeless - 07/10/2016 20:28 - United States - Annandale On Hudson

Today, I confessed my feelings to the only man I've ever loved. He asked me for dating advice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 372
You deserved it 815

Same thing different taste

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"Well, this person just told me they love me, and I definitely have feelings for them. I'm really awkward and freakishly meta, so do you have any idea how I should proceed to start dating you?"

Today, the person I've loved for years confessed their love to me. I was so nervous I asked them for dating advice. I just unintentionally friend zoned the love of my life. FML


Why would he do that? He sounds like a jerk, you're definitely better off without him.

I have a feeling he asked for the advice first and she confused it with him saying he likes her.

Because obviously this guy was obliged to return feelings back to OP

Gee I don't know, maybe he misunderstood or or or maybe he doesn't share the same feelings? I drives me crazy when women congratulate each other for doing something similar, but as soon as a guy does it he's a jerk and doesn't deserve her.

"Well, this person just told me they love me, and I definitely have feelings for them. I'm really awkward and freakishly meta, so do you have any idea how I should proceed to start dating you?"

It's probably more like she's just the one good female friend he can ask about those things because he's certain he has no interest in dating her.

Asking the person you're interested in for dating advice is actually quite smart. It not only gives you advice in general (if you need it), but it also let's you know some of their own personal preferences and allows you to act on those.

I hope I'm not the only one who now wants to go back and watch "metadating" again. The dude simply doesn't care about her.

Asking the person you like for dating advice could help, but it could also backfire. Personally, when a guy asks me for advice, I automatically assume he has zero interest in me and so do my best to discourage any romantic feelings towards him. So it seems like a risky strategy.

U may not have conveyed your feelings as well as you thought

I assume you made 100 percent sure that the dating advice he was asking for was meant for dating people other than you?

should've said pick me, choose me, love me. great advice from Grey's anatomy

Begging some one to love u is most certainly horrible advice god ur stupid Duhh Greys anatomy great advice I hate u

Today, the person I've loved for years confessed their love to me. I was so nervous I asked them for dating advice. I just unintentionally friend zoned the love of my life. FML

U truly r hopeless cuz this makes no sense in real life ur saying u told the only man u ever loved how u felt and a real person who isn't high or drunk asks u for dating advice. Y would someone ask u obviously can't even state ur feelings in a coherent sentence I'm gonna start asking virgins wat position they prefer R u smart enough to realize if ur speaking same language as person u claim u love Wow just wow

Indianboy9321 25

My eyes are bleeding, get an education. Please.

Tell him he should bring you roses, take you to eat Italian food, and then take you back to his place. That's good dating advice!

See, this is the true friend zone, not what manipulative loser guys complain about. He likes her. She's his one trusted female friend he can ask about women, but he's not romantically interested. As a man with no sisters, solid female advice is a treasure. (Though I'm not so attractive as to usually have his particular problem.)

Yourheadache 19

when my now boyfriend asked if I wanted to go on a date, I got so nervous that I answered with, "if I fart would you still like me?" nedless to say, he said yes and so did I, sometimes your nervousness gets the best of you.