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By Anonymous - 02/04/2013 09:22 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, my little sister figured out how to use the printer. I came home to pictures of Nicolas Cage all over my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 344
You deserved it 5 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments


And if you've been inspired to study this God, I suggest you start by YouTubing "Nicholas Cage losing his shit". Best compilation video known to man.

Oh my god... He's like an angry toddler. I also think he reminds me of that kid that shoved the remote up his arse when his mom deleted his game account.

"IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?!?" *Proceeds to beat himself in the head with a boot.*

unknownfork 12
anitadoody 7

Your little sister is awesome.

Yeah, don't let it DRIVE you ANGRY. She seems like a KICK ASS sister. Plus, she is part of your FAMILY, MAN. You can make those posters be GONE IN SIXTY SECONDS. Cool sisters like her are like a NATIONAL TREASURE, so no need to FACE OFF over an innocent prank. Though, you should prank her back just in the sport of SEEKING JUSTICE.

This is the true sign of a Cage fan, but with movies like Con Air and Ghost Rider, how could you not worship him? You are blessed to have such a thoughtful and tasteful sister.

CammyGal 26

Ha! Nick Cage is the best, high-5 your lil sis.

You don't say? Tell me more about how bad having Nicholas Cage around your house is.

Try sleeping with a Nicholas Cage cut out 2 feet away from your face.

I'd rather sleep next to a Nick Cage cutout than a Beiber cutout.

Be happy she didn't decorate it with Justin Bieber or One Direction !

Exactly! Unless she just printed pictures of Niall, that'd be acceptable.

Idk. One Direction is still better than Beiber. He's the one that got his ass handed to him.

Chucklikesbacon 12

36 I don't mind knowing harry's name.. It makes finding that video easier! Always brightens my day!

Directioners be like 'oh no you didn't!!'

kennaem1 11

Is your sisters name Jill? One of my friends did that yesterday

While locked up in your room, Do you feel like you're locked up in a cage? AWHHHH YEAHHH

I've been the creepy stalker dude, looking at the comments without posting, watching their styles. I've never seen anyone who does a pun an someone else says AWHHH YEAHH!

Chucklikesbacon 12

You're wearing sunglasses on your photo. How fitting.

davek 36

I wonder if she is a fellow Imgurian :o

Honestly, this is probably the best thing I have read on here. Kudos to your little sis! Now go admire the pictures of Nic Cage :3