By Catherine - 10/06/2012 18:11 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I confronted my husband over the fact that despite me working two jobs to support us for the last three years, we're nowhere near our goal of buying a house. He actually had the brass balls to defend pissing my money down the drain on his ceramic cat collection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 692
You deserved it 5 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darien987 1

Because he's not manly enough to have balls of steel.


teribaby89 9

Stop giving him access to your cards? How is he getting your money? Tell him to get his own cat money... if you let him use your money that you work for of course he'd have the balls to ask for anything. He gets free money.

You're the one putting up with such an idiot. ydi