By Catherine - 10/06/2012 18:11 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I confronted my husband over the fact that despite me working two jobs to support us for the last three years, we're nowhere near our goal of buying a house. He actually had the brass balls to defend pissing my money down the drain on his ceramic cat collection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 692
You deserved it 5 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darien987 1

Because he's not manly enough to have balls of steel.


mandaabananaa 4
tildoorf84 7

Wow. Just wow. Who's got the penis in this relationship?

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Sounds like you need a new man or need to deny him access to the funds. I personally vote new man.

Fishfanatic 7

Pattipan - I think you need to *take your own advice* and RUN. Love is not a good enough reason to spend your life in debt, with someone so selfish that they get you into MORE debt to "spite" you for questioning their unessecary and idiotic expensive purchases. That's not the act of someone who loves you. Leave NOW and take your money with you. OP - WHY does this MORON have any access to the bank account with your wages in it? Close your account, move it to another one, DO NOT give him access to it or allow a situation to arise where he can gain access to it in any way. Cut up any credit cards he is using to buy this cack. If he wants to buy ceramic cats, he should be man enough to get off his arse and WORK for the money to pay for them. And sorry people but even most disabled people can work if they have the use of their hands and brain function . If this guy can get out and about to buy ceramic cats, or he can use a keyboard to type and buy them online, then he is capable of SOME variety of chair based work if he is not mobile. If he IS mobile, he has NO excuse and OP - seriously you do not have to put up with this knobbery. Sell the cats.

noisebox 1

No more pussy for that pussy

I don't think that's what he meant by "ive been buying pussy" OP

Dump his sorry lazy ass and find à real man with à Life, ambition and non-gay passtimes

Women do this ALL THE TIME. Why is it shocking when its a man doing it? Now, im NOT saying he isnt a fukwad for doing it though.