By Danielle - 10/06/2012 19:19 - Canada - Aldergrove
Same thing different taste
By Tori Pearson - 27/06/2011 04:21 - Canada
By Anonymous - 25/06/2010 09:36 - United States
Wish I wasn't here
By I hate camping - 28/03/2024 10:00 - United States
By angry - 22/06/2010 07:47 - Australia
Bad timing
By lkvetched - 30/08/2016 17:23 - United States - Palestine
A rock and a hard place
By Anonymous - 08/10/2019 16:02
Leave me alone
By Anonymous - 23/06/2021 16:01
Creature comforts
By Anonymous - 22/10/2023 22:00 - Germany
By ew - 15/09/2015 16:33 - United States - Las Vegas
By Salliemae - 11/08/2018 07:00 - United States - Manchester
Top comments
Use a knife?
Or Reese Witherspoon's chin :D
Right? I have had to use a knife multiple times. It isn't that bad.
Stuck in the middle of nowhere with food supplies running low? better drink your own piss. Alternatively, you could find and eat maggots because they're full of good proteins!
LMAO they act like their life is so hard, try living off of nothing but your knife, matches, and gun, they even had a ******* portapotty, cereal, and penutbutter. All I can say is....... CITY SLICKERS! haha
What In hells name where you using that can opener so it would break?
89- This isn't the hunger games...killing squirrels....
And the IOS device you are using for this app, right?
Yes, 92, killing squirrels. Squirrels are a common small game animal, which are commonly hunted.
#104 was directed at #89
85- "What in hells name were you doing to the can opener to make it break." Cheap ass can opener I guess...
Try SERE training op then get back to have plenty to survive on.
Use a rock and ground the edges of the can until the lid pops right off. Problem solved!
I could live off of cereal for about a week if I had to, and hey, at least you have something to eat and you won't starve!
I clicked on you.
I'd tap that
They have electric... But they can't get a new can opener?
You used "discombobulated" completely wrong...
Is that really all the food you brought, where the only things not sealed in a can is cereal and peanut butter?
Seriously, every time I go camping I forget something and have to make a trip to the big dubs. Alternatively ask a fellow camper or go to the camp store? It's really not too big a deal.
This looks like a weird comment thread if its context was about call of duty camping.
Wow, where's your ingenuity OP? you're from BC, we're known for camping. Despite your Internet access, portapotty, and canned food you can't find a damned way to open a can? How humanity evolved to where we are now, I'll never know.
they mustve gone to a motel xD thats all i can think of. Some shady ghetto ass motel with roaches n spiders, the toilets dont work so they use a portapotty, theres no restraunt so they brought crappy food; and now they're sitting in the middle of a floor wondering what to do. Picture that and laugh with me. xD
Cereal AND peanut butter? LUCKY!
The real questions here are: Is it crunchy peanut butter? What kind of cereal? We need answers!
I'd choose to live off of peanut butter and cereal even if I had a can opener..
We heard you the 1st time!
I didn't.
I still can't hear him...
Yes, rule #1. Bring knife! And Ay could get savage and hunt or fish... Vegetarians Calm! Dnt Hate! We're all just animals, without all the processed food, it's Natural to hunt & gather & eat from the land, therefore animals. Animals eat other animals... Life!
They have portapotties I don't consider what they're doing to be camping.
No, rule number one of camping is always pack toilet paper.
#138 I totally need to have a portapotty when I go camping thanks to IBS and I CAN go outside but I do not have good balance and I would rather not fall over in the middle of going to the bathroom
Given that there are portapotties present, I don't exactly think they're in the wilderness.
OR you could open the cans using knives? I guess you do have a knife? Damn, a can can be opened with pretty much anything sharp if you're determined enough.
WWBD? what would bear do?
Drink piss.
Dunk his head into elephant dookie. |the kid|
Fake a show, get thrown off tv, make deodorant commercials, and then order room service.
^ I don't think bears can do all that Sorry little buddy :)
80- pretty sure they're talking about Bear Grylls buddy

Use a knife?
Cereal AND peanut butter? LUCKY!