By Catherine - 10/06/2012 18:11 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I confronted my husband over the fact that despite me working two jobs to support us for the last three years, we're nowhere near our goal of buying a house. He actually had the brass balls to defend pissing my money down the drain on his ceramic cat collection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 692
You deserved it 5 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darien987 1

Because he's not manly enough to have balls of steel.


roxyelizabeth 3

Thats why you don't date guys who are cat lovers. I've learned my lesson dog lovers or guys who love both not guys who are cat crazy.

helli2gudbyee 11

You are an idiot! He doesn't work and spends your money useless crap. Either the sex is phenomenal or you have low self esteem. Whatever it is you're still an idiot.

Shouldn't it be ur ceramic cat collection, cause its not really a guy thing to collect...

Pawn (or sell) 'em when he's not home, which would probably be when he's buying another ceramic cat.

hewro_failure 11

Yeah time to end the relationship ... A ceramic car collection should be obvious to you that at best he is gay at worst he is a psycho killer