By anonymous - 13/02/2012 11:32 - United States

Today, I cracked a rib coughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 198
You deserved it 2 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Somebody didn't drink their milk when they were younger

RedPillSucks 31

If your bones are that brittle, this may be a sign of something else. You need to see a doctor ASAP and not just for the broken rib.


dayummalyssa 0

That normally happens to fat people

lilcatisawesome 7

Woah. That is bad. If I knew you and I could fix it I would but sorry.

What the actual ****?! Are you made out of paper? Truly pathetic. Don't fart or you might kill yourself.... .... then again....

musiciangirl591 16

you can actually break ribs sneezing, i know people who have done that before, its not a common thing but it happens...

Op is made of glass bones and paper skin. He also has to sell chocolates to pay for his medical bills.

lostinalaska 5

OP, I feel your pain. I had a really bad case of the flu, and I tore cartilage in my back coughing. It's not just something that happens to overweight people or fragile people.

Elfkid21 19

*shrugs* Hey, It happens, that's just life.